Page 9 - Spring2008
P. 9
several hour postponement caused by every meal—they start feeling great. I paths can get off to a bad start, like mine
an attorney’s plane delays. Many people also take away all milk products, which did.
were driving over an hour to show sup- is sad but it seems like the amino acids Even if a person’s gut has a good
port but could not stay as they had kids in casein in milk (probably not raw milk start, we may choose to kill off our
coming home from school and had to but we can’t get that here) are somehow moss with things like antibiotics. It’s
leave before the hearing. In the end, there creating endorphins and then craving. like spraying the path with weed killer,
were only about 40 people in the court The most important observation I killing both moss and weeds. The path
room. have made is that people with chronic may look better temporarily, but it is ac-
The journalist David Gumpert made muscle and joint pain become pain free! tually more vulnerable (after the smoke
an important comment in our after-court This is not the case when they only re- clears).
conversations in the parking lot, with move milk but it happens when they also Since I’m a lazy landscape gardener
subzero wind chills. He said that “this have been on coconut for a week. If they (I prefer my food gardens), some of the
needs to be more of a community issue, stop taking it the pain and fatigue in the walk weeds get tall and even bear pretty
not a farmer issue.” muscles comes back. I wonder whether fl owers. How embarrassing! They block
Fortunately there will be a new the short- and medium-chain lipids in the path. Those weeds put down such big
hearing in Albany this summer, which coconut oil are somehow having this roots they can’t be pulled out. We have
is closer to that part of the state where effect? I think it is a miracle! to “weed-whack” the path. I think weed-
the number of raw milk drinkers is huge! Bitten Jonsson, RN whacking is like taking an herbal cleanse
And we now have lots of time to prepare Sweden to get rid of candida and parasites.
for a large citizen representation in Al- It is possible that heavy metals rain
bany. Let’s hope we can get hundreds FOSTER YOUR MOSS down upon my walk, just as our guts are
of people at the hearing this summer. I Every sunny day at noon I sit on my exposed to heavy metals through pol-
am hoping that the low turnout for the front stoop and soak up the free vitamin lution, cavity fi llings and vaccinations.
Smiths will inspire all of us across the D. My feet rest on the red bricks of my Certain weeds may be able to tolerate
state to show that raw milk is a com- garden path. When we first built the this pollution a lot better than moss.
munity issue, not just a farm issue. brick path the stone dust between the Certain weeds may even thrive on it.
Elizabeth Benner bricks was “naked.” Moss is the protec- But moss needs a pristine environment.
Rochester, New York tive flora of a brick path. Perhaps our This could make fostering moss most
guts are like my path. My path grows challenging. It is quite possible that
COCONUT OIL FOR CRAVINGS weeds. plants that thrive in pollution might
I use coconut oil as medicine for my If I were smart, I would have care- actually capture the pollution inside
clients, many of whom are addicts, and fully tended my young path for its fi rst their bodies. Nature can be smart that
see very interesting results with them year. I’ve seen Martha Stewart pour milk way. But if I want moss to grow, I need
and on myself. over new landscape areas to foster moss to remove those full grown weeds from
I have been struggling with my sug- growth. I didn’t pour milk. I just moved the path area and not let them grow back
ar addiction for years and done every- on to the next landscape project. I had a in. Elimination is important.
thing (biochemical repair, 12-step, food bare yard to fi ll up. After weed whacking (cleansing),
changes, etc.) but still have cravings now Our guts are supposed to get seeded for one beautiful moment the path is
and then. And I have several clients with with “moss” from our mothers during clear. But the effect is temporary and im-
terrible cravings and relapses. But once I our early months, and nurtured with their perfect. Stumps and low prickly things
started them on coconut oil—one table- milk. Unfortunately, many mothers don’t hurt your bare feet when you walk the
spoon with a cup of warm water between have moss or milk (or time) to spare. So, newly cleared path. In no time the path
SPRING 2008 Wise Traditions 9