Page 13 - Spring2008
P. 13

Caustic Commentary

                 MISLED FOR THIRTY YEARS                              of character, they insisted that his inquest examine the role
                 The recent publication of results from the ENHANCE trial,   played in his death by the statin drug he was taking. “My

                 which found no benefit from a drug combination that signifi -  brother had no history of depression and was in full-time
                 cantly lowered LDL-cholesterol but did not reduce plaque   employment,” wrote his sister. “The family believe that Allan
                 formation in the arteries nor confer a projected reduction in   did not intend to kill himself. My brother had had nightmares
                 mortality, has received widespread attention in the media,   which were so terrible he could not distinguish between them
                 including an article “Do Cholesterol Drugs Do Any Good?”   and real life.” Woolley had also suffered 15-minute blackouts
                 in the January 17, 2008 issue of Business Week. According   when he could not recall his actions. The verdict blamed the
                 to the article, many researchers now question the wisdom of   drug simvastatin (Zocor) for his death. The National Health
                 prescribing cholesterol-lowering statin drugs to the general   Service in the UK has made a major push to ensure that doc-
                 population—drugs the pharmaceutical industry believes   tors prescribe the drug, claiming that “major studies have
                 should be taken by 40 million Americans. Growing doubt   consistently found that the benefits of statins. . . massively

                 among the ranks of medical professionals has emerged with   outweigh the side-effects” (http://www.medicalnewstoday.
                 the accumulation of reports on serious side effects from cho-  com/articles/94642.php).
                 lesterol-lowering measures: muscle weakness, neuropathy,
                 heart failure, memory loss, depression, fatigue, digestive   MORE NEWS ABOUT VITAMIN D
                 disorders and cancer. Results of the ENHANCE trial have   Scientists are reporting more good news about vitamin D.
                 led to the startling revelation that the studies on which the   Researchers at the Harvard Medical School have discovered
                 FDA based its approval of statin drugs looked only at surro-  that low vitamin D is associated with an increased risk of heart
                 gate outcomes, namely the lowering of LDL-cholesterol and   disease; those who had high blood pressure and low vitamin
                 raising of HDL-cholesterol, as a substitute for a clinically   D levels were particularly at risk. The study, which began in
                 meaningful endpoint, namely the prevention of heart attacks.   1996, looked at over 1700 people with an average age of 59.
                 Up to this point, drug makers have not had to show that statins   Those with levels of vitamin D below 15 ng/ml had twice the
                 actually save or extend the lives of patients. Researchers are   risk of heart attack, heart failure and stroke compared to those
                 also re-examining the promotion of soul-numbing lowfat   with higher levels (, January 8, 2008).
                 diets. “Dietary fat recommendations. . . may have led to sig-     The pharmaceutical industry has responded to the

                 nificant and harmful unintended consequences,” wrote the   spotlight on vitamin D with a twofold strategy: by supporting
                 authors of a January 22, 2008 article in the American Journal   studies that look into potential harmful effects of vitamin D

                 of Preventive Medicine. Official government guidelines have   supplementation and, in studies looking at benefits, by using

                 indeed misled Americans into abandoning nutritious whole   the plant form of vitamin D—vitamin D —which is much
                 foods such as butter, eggs and organ meats, foods universally   easier and less expensive to manufacture but much more
                 recognized by traditional peoples as necessary for good health   difficult for the body to utilize, and possibly detrimental. An

                 and optimal development of children.                 example of the latter is a study showing that administration
                                                                      of vitamin D  plus calcium to elderly patients resulted in a 23
                 STATIN DEATH LINK?                                   percent reduction of the risk of falling (Archives of Internal
                 Students and colleagues at University College School, Hamp-  Medicine, 2008 Jan 14;168(1):103-108). An example of the
                 stead (London), were mystified last April when chemistry   former is a paper suggesting that vitamin D supplementa-

                 master Dr. Allan Woolley, 53—described as “immensely   tion can inhibit gene expression and lead to auto-immune
                 popular and inspirational”—was killed while standing on   disease (
                 the tracks at North Wembly railway station, holding a note   php). “We have found that vitamin D supplementation, even
                 that read: “Just burn my wretched body without ceremony.”   at levels many consider desirable, interferes with recovery
                 Family and friends were so convinced that suicide was out   in these patients,” said J. C. Waterhouse, PhD, executive
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