Page 17 - Spring2008
P. 17

Syndicated nutrition columnists present  stock has tripled in the last year due to Brazil’s   Why are the
                 us with lists of environmentally friendly food  demand for Roundup Ready soybeans—a geneti-
                 choices, invariably free of any and all animal  cally engineered plant that can withstand mul-  green-
                 products, and environmentalists cite the report  tiple, frequent applications of toxic herbicide.   conscious not
                 as further evidence to keep cattle out of national     Allan Nation, editor of The Stockman Grass   boycotting
                 parks and “protected” public lands.        Farmer, reports back from his recent trip to Ar-
                     But it’s not just the mainstream news net-  gentina that “eight dollar” soybeans for world   the plant that
                 works and publications that have circulated these  export are edging out the domestic, sustainable  literally drinks

                 accusations against livestock. Alternative energy  grass-fed beef industry.  Why don’t we hear en-  Middle
                 and sustainable living magazines have produced  vironmentalists denouncing this supreme symbol
                 a smattering of recent articles: “Eat Less Meat,”  of industrial agriculture with the same passion   Eastern oil in
                 “Meat is Methane,” “Save the World; Go Vegan.”  they muster for condemning beef? Why are the  the form of
                 These catchy titles sit on the magazine rack at  green-conscious not boycotting the oilseed plant   petrochemical
                 your local natural foods co-op. And so the reader-  that literally drinks Middle Eastern oil in the form
                 ship of these publications continues to patronize  of petrochemical herbicides? That’s because our   herbicides?
                 those trendy pseudo-foods like soy milk and  society has been conditioned to support a co-
                 veggie burgers—the production of which is a  opted environmental movement in the name of a
                 principle reason for deforestation in the Amazon.  chemical-intensive vegetable bypass industry, at
                 The other use for soybeans from these degrad-  the tragic expense of good health to both man and
                 ing land use practices is feed for confi nement  environment via the qualities of grazing animals
                 animals—beef and dairy cattle, pigs, poultry  (those methane-belching creatures that we love
                 and fish—for which pastured cows continue to  to hate) and their products—meat and milk for

                 be blamed.                                 people, manure for the soil—none of which our
                                                            society can afford to lose.
                     Make no mistake; rainforests are not cleared  DESTRUCTIVE PARADIGM
                 in any drastic measure by independent farmers     The real paradox of the report is the way in
                 who want to graze a few steers. They are cleared  which it avoids dealing with the twin-conundrum
                 by United Nations-supported corporate giants un-  of mass-scale monocultural grain production
                 der the guise of feeding the world and alleviating  and confinement animal feeding operations
                 poverty—all for the production of more of their  (CAFOs). These are the two destructive pillars
                 patented seed. This seed, of which the U.N. and  of an industry gone wrong, yet the U.N. points
                 its “green” lobbyists are so fond, assumes the role  its global fi nger not at bad management practices
                 as displacer of traditional food and farming all  like feedlots and confi nement dairies, but at the
                 over the world. That means health-giving foods  cows themselves; not at Monsanto, but at real
                 like lamb tallow for frying, lard for baking, and  farmers, who raise livestock in accordance with
                 real butter, which the industry-led dietitians  nature’s principles—on grass.
                 have condemned from on high, are the foods     The U.N.’s accusations ought to be directed at
                 these GMO seeds are displacing. It is no wonder  chemical-intensive, industrial CAFO agriculture.
                 the U.N. has so urgently launched its campaign  Yet the U.N. only presents solutions that fi t within
                 against livestock—these animals represent the  the confi nes of the industrial framework—the
                 only food source that can supply the people  framework they are obliged to uphold through the
                 with enough good nutrition to empower them  preordained results of taxpayer-funded university
                 (both physically and emotionally) to resist the  research.
                 global onslaught of food police, biotech crops     Indeed, the solutions have already been writ-
                 and chemicals.                             ten, and at best they are dubious and vague. They
                     A recent article in Business Week reports that  include “improved diets for ruminants, which re-
                 Brazil alone grows over 25 million acres of soy-  duce enteric fermentation.” These diets, you can
                 beans—all of which are genetically engineered.  be sure, are grain-based, laced with all kinds of
                 The Wall Street Journal reports that Monsanto’s  chemical concoctions. No mention of the carbon
                 SPRING 2008                                Wise Traditions                                            17
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