Page 20 - Spring2008
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backfill the earth’s wetlands and we would lose these divine mechanisms the U.N as the foods that will feed the world and
for water purification and retention, these supremely diverse corridors that eliminate global poverty. A glance at the status
bridge terrestrial and aquatic life. My point is that even a standardized, of many of these Third World peoples reveals
globalist bureaucracy like the U.N. would never dream of launching such that we further impoverish these once robust,
a campaign, yet without any qualms, they take the fermentation of plant self-reliant communities with every bag of soy
material in the rumen, a perfectly stable, natural process that somehow is fl our we deliver to them.
in conflict with their current political agenda, tailor it into an environmental
offense, and call for its annihilation. On top of that, they use environmen- SIXTY MILLION BISON
tal pawns to vigorously spread the word. PETA, The World Conservation In his fascinating recent book, 1491: New
Union, Al Gore and the growing vegan contingency are among the many Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus,
whistleblowers disseminating a politically correct falsehood. Charles Mann paints a picture of wild ruminant
Rumen fermentation is the process, remember, that gives us fats like populations before the arrival of Europeans:
conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and bone-building nutrients like vitamin K. “North America at the time of Columbus was
The miraculous conversion process, achieved only by ruminants, that takes home to sixty million bison, thirty to forty mil-
grass—nature’s most nutritious vegetable but undigestible for humans—and lion pronghorns, ten million elk, ten million
converts it into metabolically available, exponentially superior nutrition for mule deer, and as many as two million mountain
people. With these accusations brought to the table, we can confi dently sur- sheep.” That’s just North America. We have
mise that the rumination not even considered the
process along with the enormous herds pounding
ruminant are certainly the African plains, nearly
under assault, and we all of which are methane-
must be prepared to de- producing ruminants in-
fend these animals and cluding wildebeest, Cape
our right to consume buffalo, giraffes, gazelles,
their products with the antelope, kudu—you get
same valiant effort with the point. Even today,
which we have defend- these animals number in
ed raw milk. the hundreds of millions;
The ploy to dis- their numbers were many
place the products of fold greater in the past.
the ruminant from the How can it be that we have
world’s table is not been able to overlook this
new. Public relations perfectly natural scenario
campaigns from the and move forward with
self-righteous, plant-based diet community have been at work since 1871, casting the blame on the world’s 1.5 billion do-
when the first butter substitute entered the U.S. marketplace. In 1984, mesticated cattle?
the Center for Science in the Public Interest began its anti-saturated fat Nature’s herds are by no means light on the
crusade, and by 1990, beef and lamb tallow had been replaced by partially land. Reports from the travels of Lewis and Clark
hydrogenated soybean oil as the collective, commercial frying fat in the attest to the fact that the herds of bison left not
Unites States. I hope we’ve noticed that obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart one scrap of fodder for their horses to eat, and
disease have all increased since we switched from animal fats to vegetable the land was coated with a sheet of manure so
oils. Yet these public interest groups, despite their addiction to lawsuits and thick, it turned vast expanses of prairie black.
bureaucratic control of our nation’s food supply, are not held accountable This manure, with the help of sage grouse, prairie
for the destruction to our nation’s health caused by this politically correct chickens and dung beetles was then quickly re-
charade. cycled into some of the richest soil on the planet;
We are currently witnessing the physical, emotional and moral decay this is the same manure that the U.N. blames for
that results from living without animal foods. Remember the “displacing poisoning our atmosphere with nitrous-oxide.
foods of modern commerce” that Weston A. Price spoke of? Today many
of these are based on soy and its many derivatives, and any of the other MIMICKING NATURE
rendered vegetable products from the biotech trough, all sanctioned by Managed grazing, which attempts to mimic
20 Wise Traditions SPRING 2008