Page 23 - Spring2008
P. 23

decay cycle, not held in artifi cial suspension by  vast Great Plains of North America are restored to their original deep black
                 political boundaries.                      loam by vast herds of beef cattle mimicking their native cousins the bison.
                                                            African men, displaced from their traditional cattlekeeping by the U.N.-

                 A REVERENCE FOR LIFE                       sanctioned call to vegetarian efficiency, return to their native lands to take
                     What has the world come to when today’s  on the noble pursuit of land healing, leading great herds of cattle through
                 young teens contemplate childlessness in order  the bush under the thoughtful tutelage of Holistic Management . Parched
                 to reduce their carbon footprint, and the U.N. is  river beds become vegetated and begin to run again, bare soil heals over
                 prescribing “defaunating” agents for ruminants  with a thick carpet of green, all due to the life-giving forces of the cow

                 to kill their gut flora, and when the predominant  in great numbers. Our redemption is not in her annihilation as the U.N.
                 rural landscape consists of endless expanses of  would have it, but in truly understanding her environmental and nutritional
                 corn and soy with not one cow and not one farmer  restorative traits, and putting those traits to work for us.
                 in sight? We are certainly entering the age of     These land-healing processes generate a new food supply. This food
                 sterility, not to mention infertility. A reverence  supply is unique in the fact that it produces grass-fi nished meat and dairy
                 for life and all things that give richness to life  as a byproduct of innovative land management and carbon sequestering
                 has taken a back seat to the idea that we must  strategies. With these processes, we are not merely sustaining the land but
                 reduce our “impact” on the planet. Our children  enhancing and embellishing it, turning the deserts green. That should be our
                 are now being brought up to believe that their  goal. While the U.N. continues to dabble in their industrial, government-
                 daily activity is a detriment to the earth, and we  funded solutions based on tax incentives and negative reinforcement, we
                 wonder why the self-esteem of our young people  will just vote with our food dollars for environmentally enhancing, animal
                 has hit a record low.                      agriculture. Soil building, grass-based farming, utilizing livestock to our
                     Ironically, the call to reduce our environmen-  environmental and nutritional advantage is the key to our future prosperity.
                 tal impact has caused more degradation than it  Can you imagine the diversity of traditional foods we could revitalize on

                 has spared. Seventy-five percent of the world’s  a grand scale through a worldwide effort to restore degraded landscapes
                 rangelands are considered degraded, not because  with cows, sheep and goats? The potential to fl ood the marketplace with
                 there are too many cows but because there are  old-fashioned animal fats would be endless. I’m ready to live off the (grass-
                 too few.  National forests are ablaze because of  fed) fat of the land and I hope you are, too. Let’s move forward, full speed
                 campaigns to silence the chainsaw—this is fuel  ahead, with this special life-respecting movement, and instill in the next
                 that could be utilized and instead it is left to burn  generation a reverence for life and all that gives richness to it. Our move-
                 out of control. Nevertheless, in the midst of life-  ment to curb climate change will be validated by the beauty of rich soil,
                 less landscapes all over the world, real farmers  green pastures and healthy generations to come. For this, we owe immense
                 and livestock husbandmen are asked to seek jobs  gratitude to the ruminant livestock of the world, and their enduring service
                 somewhere outside the livestock sector—in ster-  to mankind.

                 ile fields of soybeans, I suppose—what the late
                 Mark Purdey referred to as the “vegan ecologi-  Matthew Rales obtained his BA in Environmental Studies from Middle-
                 cal wasteland.” What we are witnessing now is  bury College in Vermont. He recently completed an apprenticeship at Joel
                 our own, modern version of the “Trail of Tears,”  Salatin’s grass-based Polyface Farm and is pursuing a career in grass-
                 where both man and beast are forced off the land  based farming at Polyface.
                 to toil in confinement houses and feedlots where

                 their activities can more easily be regulated and  REFERENCES
                 so that the land can be “freed up” for the produc-  1.   Steinfeld, H and others. Livestock’s Long Shadow: Environmental Issues and Options.

                 tion of more “efficient” vegetarian fare.   2.   November 29, 2006.
                                                               Hindo, Brian. Monsanto: Winning the Ground War. Business Week. December 17, 2007. pp.
                 THE FUTURE                                 3.   The Wall Street Journal. January 3, 2008.
                                                            4.   Nation, Allan. Allan’s Observations. The Stockman Grassfarmer. January 2008.
                     Now imagine a world in which we revere   5.   Margarine Manufacturers of America. Data available at
                 and hold our animals sacred, the soil so sweet   6.   Enig, Mary. The Tragic Legacy of the Center for Science in the Public Interest. www.we-
                 and so fertile that our farms become inevitable   7.   Mann, Charles C. 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus. 2005. p.318.
                 wildlife corridors—we may even have to hunt   8.   Savory, Allan and others. Moving the World Toward Sustainability. Green Money Journal.
                 to keep these wildlife populations in check. But
                 this just means supplementing our diets with a
                 little wild venison or gazelle now and then. The
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