Page 18 - Spring2008
P. 18

What we are        released into the atmosphere in the production of  oxidize carbon into the atmosphere causing an
                          lacking    these “improved diets,” just as there is never any  historic increase in CO  levels. A shift from a
                                                                                carbon-releasing agriculture to a carbon-seques-
                                     mention of the petroleum requirements to pro-
                         from an     duce corn-based ethanol. Another U.N. solution  tering agriculture requires nothing more than a
                environmental        is an overarching vaccination protocol also aimed  shift from CAFOs and monocultures to grain-
                 perspective is      at reducing fermentation activity in the rumen.  free, all-grass livestock farming. In the process,
                                     Aren’t these solutions brilliant? The U.N. cuts a  we could restore the fl oral and faunal ecology
                 precisely that      check to the likes of Monsanto for the “improved  of the Great Plains to its pre-colonial status—a
               which the U.N.        diets,” and to the likes of Merck and Pfi zer for  phenomenal, yet highly achievable prospect.

                  would like to      the vaccines, all the while reducing “harmful     One of the greatest ironies of this whole sce-
                                     emissions” so that you can enjoy beef from an  nario is that many of the world’s environmental
                     annihilate:     animal that’s been pumped full of genetically  activists stand behind the U.N. without examin-
                  farmers who        engineered viruses and aluminum, and has had  ing the agenda behind the “green” façade. This

               use livestock to      all of its gut flora eradicated, but at least you can  is in large part because many environmentalists
                                     eat that beef without a guilty conscience. This is  have no better understanding of nature and its
                  enhance and        indeed U.N. science at its finest, and it does not  functions than the apologists of industrial agri-

                      embellish      have the best interests of the environment, the  culture. These seemingly opposing sides share a
                    landscapes.      cow, or the consumer in mind. Its interest lies in  common vision for the future—a world devoid
                                     perpetuating consumer fear, so as to further its  of farmers and domesticated animals, with fi elds
                                     campaign for global governance and corporate  of monocultures that stretch to the horizon, and
                                     farming all over the world.                token wildlife preservation zones that remain
                                                                                locked up for eternity. These zones will inevita-
                                     NATURE’S SOLUTIONS                         bly begin to deteriorate, as most of them already
                                         Such U.N. research will not yield low-  have, for lack of good land management and
                                     cost, common sense solutions—like freeing the  husbandry by man and livestock.
                                     world’s beef animals from their feedlot bondage,     In short, what we are lacking from an envi-
                                     and returning them to the world’s grasslands  ronmental perspective is precisely that which the
                                     and deserts so that their manure may become a  U.N. would like to annihilate: farmers who use
                                     product that gets recycled by earthworms into  livestock to enhance and embellish landscapes.
                                     soil wealth—becoming a healing agent—rather  These are the wonderful people who supply us
                                     than a product of volatile nitrous-oxide genera-  with raw milk and butter, grass-fed beef and lamb,
                                     tion. The U.N.-sponsored research will not yield  pastured poultry and eggs. I would argue that
                                     solutions like shutting down our confi nement  these farmers, those sturdy individuals presented
                                     dairy camps and using these animals to return the  with the daily task of managing plants and ani-
                                     Midwest’s eroded and degraded cropland to the  mals in harmony with one another for the benefi t
                                     fertile prairie of yesteryear. That thick layer of  of their land and their patrons, hold the most
                                     black gold upon which a blanket of robust native  supreme understanding of ecological processes
                                     grasses once grew was a priceless gift to us from  and are the world’s true environmental activists.
                                     the American bison—a gift we have chosen to  The managed landscapes of these pasture-based
                                     send to the Gulf of Mexico on the order of mil-  farms are the healthiest, most biologically diverse
                                     lions of tons per year via the erosion caused by  places on earth, and the sheer volume of life
                                     mass-scale grain production to feed concentration  in their soils proves it. And had it not been for
                                     camp cows—animals not designed to eat grain  the advent of an artifi cial support system called
                                     in the fi rst place.                        chemical fertilizers and farm subsidies, healthy
                                         Indeed, if the U.N. chose to, they could sug-  soil—via livestock and their manure—would be
                                     gest the above solutions, which would sequester  the foundational vehicle for our prosperity and
                                     carbon and add it to the soil bank, thus reducing  propagation upon the earth.
                                     this apparently harmful greenhouse gas from the     Let’s now examine the U.N.’s foremost accu-
                                     atmosphere. As it currently stands, our farming  sation against livestock, specifi cally as it applies
                                     practices both in the field and in the feedlot  to global warming, and determine whether or not

                18                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2008
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