Page 12 - Spring2008
P. 12

Caustic Commentary

                                         Sally Fallon and Mary Enig take on the Diet Dictocrats

                INFANTS AT RISK                                      Centers for Disease Control lists water fluoridation as one of
                The Cornucopia Institute has released a report that questions  the ten greatest health achievements of the 20th century. Hard

                the alleged benefits of adding “novel” omega-3 fatty acids  to believe that fl uoride provides any benefi t at all as pediatric
                DHA and ARA, produced in laboratories and extracted from  dentistry is the fastest growing discipline in medicine. The
                algae and fungus, into infant formulas. Formula makers have  American Dental Association has even issued warnings not
                been marketing infant formula with the added DHA and ARA  to mix baby formula with fl uoridated water or allow children
                as “closer than ever to breast milk.” Pediatricians report that  to overuse fl uoridated toothpaste.
                these advertisements make it a lot harder for health profes-
                sionals to convince new mothers                                            PRIZED ELK COWS
                to breastfeed. Hospital nurses                                             An astute member has sent us an
                have often call it “the diarrhea                                           article on elk hunting from the Bill-
                formula” because of its associa-                                           ings Gazette (January 27, 2008),
                tion with long term serious diar-                                          which includes a 1910 photograph
                rhea, and there is no evidence that                                        of elk hunters with the following
                these oils actually confer any long                                        caption: “In those days, cows were

                term benefit to the infant’s brain                                          prized more than bulls, because
                and eye development as claimed.                                            hunters believed that cows usu-
                Most disturbing is the fact that                                           ally carried more fat and would
                these fatty acids are extracted with                                       yield better meat.” Before the food
                hexane, a petroleum product that                                           police came along with their lowfat
                certainly does not exist in breast                                         dictums to spoil the basic act of
                milk and is not allowed in organic                                         eating, everyone knew that fatty
                foods. Yet the manufactured DHA                                            meat was better.
                and ARA are promoted as key
                ingredients in organic baby for-                                           SEIZURE-FREE
                mula. The Cornucopia Institute is                                          “Diet keeps epileptic children
                urging parents of infants who have                                         seizure-free” reads the headline
                reacted negatively to the formula                                          of an article posted at
                to report these adverse reactions                                          au. It describes how a high-fat,
                to the FDA’s Safety Information                                            “ketogenic” diet is controlling
                and Adverse Event Reporting                                                seizures in children not helped by
                Program ( They  medications. The meals are based on fatty foods like heavy
                are petitioning the FDA for a warning label on formulas  cream, bacon and butter with about 90 percent of calories
                containing these manufactured oils. For details visit www.  coming from fat. Of course, the “experts” are warning about
                                            “risks” and recommend that the diet be instituted only as a
                                                                     last resort, after drug treatment has failed, and then continued
                THEY WERE RIGHT                                      no longer than two years. Then parents are urged to increase

                Opponents of fluoridation, often ridiculed as extremists,  the percentage of carbohydrates, hoping that the seizures
                have been vindicated with the release of a new study in the  will not return. Of course the sensible thing to do is to try
                prestigious Scientifi c American magazine (January, 2008).  this essentially healthy diet as a fi rst and basic recourse, and
                According to the article, fluoride can “subtly alter endocrine  continue it for as long as possible, even for life.

                functions, especially in the thyroid” and also lower IQ. The US
                12                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2008
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