Page 10 - Spring2008
P. 10


                is exposed to seeds via birds or wind,  PRISON FOOD                    total serving. The soy oil causes all man-
                and baby weeds take root. Whacking     Thank you for sending the WAPF  ner of intestinal problems.
                controls weeds and discourages them,  materials including information on the      We are able to purchase many items
                but doesn’t prevent them or clear their  dangers of soy. This will be helpful as I  from our commissary to supplement the
                roots.                             take steps to get the soy removed from  unacceptable diet the state provides for
                    Prevention and clearing only come  our prison food. From past experience,  us, but unfortunately, after an analysis of
                from moss. Eventually I got smart. I took  I’ve found that the authorities usually  the product ingredients, I fi nd that almost
                a small piece of moss from the north side  cave under the weight of overwhelming  everything contains soy.
                of my house, broke it up into pieces, and  evidence. I believe that the soy in the         Name Withheld
                put it between the bricks in several spots.  prison food is what led to my thyroid
                Planting moss is like eating live culture  cancer and the removal of my thyroid  We strongly recommend eating the skin
                foods. If I were really smart, I would  gland.                         and “disgusting” parts of the fi sh, which
                plant moss all the time. But as I said, I     You might be interested to know  would provide much-needed fat-soluble
                can be a lazy landscape gardener. Lucky  that there is no butter at all available for  vitamins in an otherwise defi cient prison
                for me, the moss took hold, and is slowly  purchase or served to us. The only dairy  diet.
                inching its way between the bricks.  product we get is skim milk made from
                    My moss is so beautiful in winter,  powder, or reconstituted. I have had no  VANISHED TINS OF FAT
                bright green in a barren world. Winter is  dairy products other than skim milk in     Now in my 80s, I have eaten butter
                when the mossy zones slowly encroach  17 years. The only meat we are served  all my life, not just a little smear, but
                on the weedy zones of my path while  is ground beef loaded with TVP as an  I have plastered that so-called yellow
                the weed roots are resting and the weed  extender, pork once every other week,  poison on my bread, my toast, mashed
                seeds are waiting for spring. In winter,  chicken leg quarters once or twice a  potatoes, you name it, I have always
                moss is thriving. Winter is a special  week, turkey (well, they tell us it’s turkey  applied it with a heavy hand. And I will
                niche season for moss. Setting up a niche  but it could be almost anything because  not buy meat unless it has fat on it. My
                environment for our human good fl ora  it’s all mixed up in some Frankensauce)  blood pressure is normal and I am as
                may mean going on a low-carb diet, or  and fi sh.                       active and mentally alert as someone in

                raising body temperature, or exercising,   The fish is not like any fish you have  their 50s.

                or sitting in the sunshine.        ever had. We are served the portion-con-     Back in the 1940s, the doctors
                    It has been ten years since we built  trol scraps. This is the trimmings after  told my great grandmother not to eat
                the path. I look out over my curving  the center has been removed for some  fat—they were doing it even then. “But
                brick walk. The emerald green moss  restaurant. These scraps are seriously  I like fat,” she said, as she sliced through
                gives a quiet, ordered, ancient feel. There  dredged in several kinds of fl our and  a rolled roast of beef. She ignored them
                are still some naked spots where weeds  fried in soy oil. Because the skin and  and lived to an advanced age.
                will come up this spring. It isn’t an easy  many truly disgusting parts of the fi sh are      When I was young, fat was never

                thing to create a protective flora. It may  simply left in the mess, most men refuse  wasted. Drippings from the roast were
                be a lifelong challenge.           to eat the abomination. I really love fi sh  kept in one tin and fat from the bacon in
                                        Renee Cyr  and spend most of the time in the chow  another. They were later used for frying,
                            Pepperell, Massachusetts  hall trying to pick the white flesh of the  smeared on bread and for making suet

                                                   fish from the breading and skin, etc. The  puddings and many other delicious edi-

                                                   total fi sh flesh that I am able to consume  bles. We did not use oils, except for cod
                                                   is about 25 percent of the weight of the  liver oil. We drank full fat milk and in
                10                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2008
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