Page 11 - Spring2009
P. 11


                  As it turns out, I no longer have any  the important factors, since breathing  shared a similar scar. My road to VBAC
                  symptoms, and haven’t had for four  properly is paramount when singing  began.
                  years now. But I read the article at www.  properly. Or it could be the total body   Something that concerned me with a
          vibration of singing.          VBAC was Group B Strep. I had tested
                  myalgia.html anyway. At the bottom,                        Jane Short  positive for GBS in the past and learned
                  I noticed you had posted a letter from             Westland, Michigan  that I was very likely to test positive in
                  someone named Geoff Caplan, which                                      subsequent pregnancies. The hospital
                  put forward the guaifenesin treatment  HEALTHY BABY GIRL               protocol for GBS patients, suggested
                  that Dr. St. Amand, MD, has been tout-  When my recent pregnancy began  by the CDC, is antibiotics administered
                  ing for years as a cure.           I knew I wanted two things: a VBAC  every four hours until delivery. If a
                     In 1996 Dr. Robert Bennett, MD,  (vaginal  birth  after  cesarean)  and  I  GBS+ mom does not receive at least
                  presented  the  results  of  a  one-year  wanted it free of antibiotics. I began  two doses, the baby is given antibiotics
                  placebo-controlled double-blind study  educating myself on both fronts.   and closely monitored for 24-48 hours. I
                  about the effectiveness of the guai-                                    wanted to avoid this routine exposure
                  fenesin treatment at the Orlando                                        to antibiotics.
                  American College of Rheumatology                                          I set about living the WAPF life-
                  meeting. It turns out that it doesn’t                                   style. It was pretty loose as we weren’t
                  work any better than the sugar-pill                                     buying raw milk yet, but we were
                  placebo did. The treatment helped                                       living on simple whole foods, coconut
                  in some cases, but it didn’t seem                                       oil, and traditional food preparation.
                  to have much to do with the drug,                                       I learned that a heightened immune
                  and it certainly wasn’t because the                                     system increases your chances of be-
                  treatment was drawing out calcium                                       ing GBS negative. I also learned that
                  phosphate deposits. In fact several                                     GBS lives and proliferates in the gut. I
                  studies,including those of Dr. Rob-                                     figured that having good gut flora was
                  ert Simms, MD, in 1993, haven’t                                         the best way to kick GBS. I gave up
                  shown any hint of such deposits in                                      sugar—even honey—until I worked
                  cells in the first place.You can find                                   that back in. I cultured yogurt from
                  out more about Dr. Bennett’s study                                      non-homogenized, low-heat pasteur-
                  at                                         ized milk. I drank plain kefir. I brewed
                  alert-product6.php.                                                     my own kombucha and drank six to
                     Personally, I used yoga, biofeed-   With my fifth child, I had to un-  eight ounces daily.
                  back, meditation, strict avoidance of  dergo a C-section for placenta previa,   At thirty-six weeks I was tested
                  sucrose in any form, and (oddly enough)  a  problem  in  pregnancy  where,  in  for GBS. I got the results on a Monday
                  training in singing to push my fibromy-  layman’s terms, the placenta blocks the  morning. I was GBS negative! That
                  algia into remission. The first four were  exit. There is no safe delivery for mother  Friday at thirty-six weeks and five days
                  helping some, but it wasn’t until I added  or baby that doesn’t involve a surgeon  my water broke. I waited a little more
                  the singing that the symptoms finally  and a knife.                    than twenty-four hours before going
                  went away.                             For my sixth child I learned all there  into the hospital for a soft induction, a
                     Which leads me, in a totally an-  was to know about the VBAC. I joined  very gradual administration of pitocin (a
                  ecdotal, non-scientific way, to wonder  ICAN (International Cesarean Aware-  synthetic hormone to bring on contrac-
                  whether proper breathing isn’t one of  ness Network) and met many moms who  tions).

                  SPRING 2009                                Wise Traditions                                            9
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