Page 16 - Spring2009
P. 16

Caustic Commentary

                                         Sally Fallon and Mary Enig take on the Diet Dictocrats

                 STATINOMANIA                                         be able to prevent miscarriages in women who are suffering
                 Statin pushers are citing two studies as justification for put-  from pregnancy complications caused by antiphospholipid
                 ting people with “normal” cholesterol levels—millions more  syndrome (APS)” (Science Daily, October 11, 2008). Whether
                 Americans—on cholesterol-lowering statin drugs. One is the  or not the biochemical changes observed in the mice on statins
                 Jupiter study, in which the statin Crestor was said to “dramati-  will result in fewer miscarriages in human women, one thing
                 cally cut deaths, heart attacks and                                       is certain: giving pregnant women
                 strokes in patients who had healthy                                       statins is bound to result in more
                 cholesterol levels but high levels                                        birth defects, horrible birth defects.
                 of a protein associated with heart                                        Statins are listed as a Category X
                 disease.” (We commented on the                                            drug in pregnancy, along with tha-
                 spurious benefits of statins in the                                       lidomide and Accutane. The March
                 Jupiter study in the Winter, 2008                                         of Dimes has opposed the sale of
                 issue of Wise Traditions.) The other                                      over-the-counter statins because of
                 was a study at UCLA in which half                                         birth defect risk. Governments in
                 of 131,000 hospital admissions for                                        Canada, France and Sweden have
                 heart disease had normal LDL-cho-                                         issued warnings against statin use
                 lesterol levels. By the tortured logic                                    in pregnancy. Even the cholesterol-
                 of statin-numbed brains, this means                                       lowering spread Becel Pro-Activ
                 that the ideal LDL level was set too                                      contains a warning to women of
                 high and the “majority of people                                          child-bearing age not to use the
                 would be recommended to take a                                            product. But none of that deters the
                 statin” (Reuters Health, January                                          statin-pushers, determined to leave
                 14, 2009). Meanwhile, research to                                         no population group behind.
                 be published in the Proceedings of
                 the National Academy of Sciences suggests that cholesterol-  NONCOMPLIANCE
                 reducing drugs may lessen brain function. According to  Why the renewed push to get more people, even pregnant
                 Yeon-Kyun Shin, a biophysics professor in the department  women, on statins? Perhaps because nearly half of all patients
                 of biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology, studies  discontinue the medicine after a year of treatment, even though
                 indicate that the drugs may keep the brain from making  their doctors recommend treatment for decades, or even for
                 cholesterol, thereby affecting the machinery that triggers  life (, November 18, 2008). These findings are
                 the release of neurotransmitters. “Neurotransmitters affect  from a study of 435 patients treated at Kaiser Permanente of
                 the data-processing and memory functions,” says Shin. “In  Colorado. The most common reason for stopping, according to
                 other words, how smart you are and how well you remember  a patient survey, was side effects, including muscle cramping.
                 things.” Another study found that obese men taking statins  Patients also stopped the treatment because they thought it was
                 had a fifty percent increase in prostate cancer (News Wire  unnecessary or were worried about developing side effects in
                 Services, August 22, 2008). (Statin promoter Professor Sir  the future. According to Kaiser researcher Dr. John Steiner,
                 Richard Peto of Oxford University dismissed the findings as  “It’s hard to know whether these symptoms are really due to
                 a “statistical fluke.”)                              the drug. . . it may be that people are paying more attention
                                                                      to their physical sensations after they start a new medica-
                 NO POPULATION GROUP LEFT BEHIND                      tion.” Instead of taking patient complaints seriously, doctors
                 Pregnant women are targets for statins again with the publi-  are calling for more “education,” that is, browbeating. “We
                 cation of a study on mice, which indicates that “statins may  showed that if you educate the patients, they’re more likely
                 14                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2009
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