Page 18 - Spring2009
P. 18

Caustic Commentary

                 another: “On an unbearably hot day, two fierce monsters  countries. In a study of children in Bangladesh, vitamin A sup-
                 wreak havoc on a sweltering city. Just when it seems de-  plementation proved to be the most successful micronutrient
                 struction will be complete, their differences dissolve when  intervention for treating the debilitating condition (Journal of
                 they come together over an ice-cold Coca-Cola. When these  Health, Population and Nutrition 2008 Sep;26(3):340-55). The
                 eternal enemies Open Happiness, peace and fun return to the  researchers noted that no sign of improvement appears with
                 city and its relieved, refreshed citizens.” Just one more proof  iron-supplementation programs. While American medical
                 of the axiom: there is no truth in advertising (except in Wise  personnel are hell bent on demonizing vitamin A, researchers
                 Traditions, of course).                              in other parts of the world are developing a grudging apprecia-
                                                                      tion for the role of vitamin A in mineral metabolism.
                 MEDICINE OF THE FUTURE?
                 McKesson is the eighteenth largest corporation in the U.S. and  LIVER AND SHELLFISH FOR THE BRAIN
                 the largest corporation of any kind involved in health care.  While one branch of the UK government is warning people
                 The company processes about 80 percent of all prescriptions  not to eat liver, other British researchers have discovered
                 written in America. In an article published in the February,  that foods rich in vitamin B , such as liver and shellfish, can
                 2009 issue of Harper’s Magazine, McKesson CEO, John  protect against brain shrinkage leading to declining memory
                 Hammergren provided his vision for the future of medicine:  and dementia. Researchers from the University of Oxford
                 “When my oldest daughter has her first child, I believe that  looked at a group of people between ages 61 and 87. Those
                 baby will get a genomic profile for roughly $800. The data  with the lowest levels of B  were more likely to show signs
                 obtained through that profile will be stored in a central  of brain shrinkage, even though these levels were still above
                 information system called an integrated delivery network  a threshold used by some scientists to define vitamin B  de-
                 (IDN), to which primary care physicians and specialists will  ficiency (Neurology 2008 71(11): 826-832). But don’t look for
                 have access throughout the course of my grandchild’s life.  appeals to eat more liver or shellfish anytime soon. According
                 . . My grandchildren’s doctors will know from the moment  to Dr. Susanne Sorensen of the British Alzheimer’s Society,
                 of birth the likelihood that they will develop some form of  “The best way to reduce your risk of developing dementia
                 chronic condition, cancer or other significant illness. This  is to keep active, eat a balanced diet, don’t smoke and visit
                 knowledge will shape and form their health care for the rest  your GP to get your blood pressure and cholesterol checked”
                 of their lives. Compared to today’s 40-year gap in treatment,  (, September 9, 2008).
                 my grandchildren will receive constant monitoring and pre-
                 vention. Tapping the database’s artificial intelligence, their  SIZE 14 GALS HAVE MORE FUN
                 doctors will know which clinical interventions will be most  According to a study sponsored Kellogg’s® Special K®
                 effective, which cardiology or cancer drugs they will respond  cereal, “Size 14 women are the happiest with their life and
                 best to, and when care should be delivered.” Translation: the  looks” (National Enquirer, February 2, 2009). “A quarter of
                 medicine of the future will create a pathological fear of disease  gals who wear that dress size are as thrilled as can be with
                 and death from the moment of birth, and subject patients to  their situations, while 43 percent of size 14s were pleased as
                 all sorts of harebrained diets and harmful treatments for ill-  punch with their careers and almost 33 percent are content
                 nesses they don’t even have in the name of the greater good.  with their love life.” Second happiest are size 12s, followed
                 Database companies like McKesson will profit enormously  by size 8, size 16, size 10, size 6 and size 18. Perhaps size 14
                 while the general population will succumb to poor nutrition  is the happiest because women of this size—not too thin and
                 and paralyzing angst.                                not too large—are the best nourished.

                 VITAMIN A TO THE RESCUE AGAIN                        WHICH PLANET ARE THESE GUYS FROM?
                 Anemia is a major health concern for children in Third World  Last August, Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences
                 16                                         Wise Traditions                                 SPRING 2009
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