Page 17 - Spring2009
P. 17
Caustic Commentary
to continue their medication,” says Kaiser Permanente clini- “fat droplets in foods with modified proteins from plants”
cal pharmacist Brandy McGinnis. She spends a lot of time ( In an attempt to shore
trying to clear up unanswered questions on the phone. “Pa- up the bad image of soft drinks, Swiss-based Bischofszell
tients don’t always understand the connection between high has introduced a “tooth-friendly” soft drink sweetened with
cholesterol and blocked arteries.” Since a simple perusal of isomaltulose. It has an acid-free composition made possible
the internet reveals the connection to be spurious, and statin by the aseptic process used to bottle the product—the acid in
side effects to be common, expect more and more people to soft drinks is considered to cause erosion of tooth enamel. The
“non-comply,” and more and more shrill voices for putting beverage will carry the “Happy Tooth” logo of Toothfriendly
more people on statins. International, a nonprofit organization for better oral health
(, February 19, 2009). (Iso-
FOOD FORMULATIONS maltulose, or malitol, was denied FDA GRAS status in 1994
The food formulators are at it again, coming up with fake after animal studies showed bowel and intestinal cancer after
ingredients not fit for human consumption. Advanced Food six weeks of low level ingestion.) Finally, visit
Systems has launched a range of new egg replacement ingre- to learn about “uniquely formulated FUNctional Fruit Juice
dients for bakery goods which “will help food manufacturers Drinks and Sports Drinks for KIDS,” including a Calcium
reduce the cost of using whole eggs.” The product is a blend of Booster, Immunity Defender and a fiber-enhanced Afternoon
starches, gums and other ingredients said to maintain “natural Pick-Me-Up. The ingredients in these new “foods” are fake,
texture and flavor, excellent air cell structure and finished but the diseases they cause are all too real.
product volume, whilst remaining tender and moist through
extended storage periods” (, June 18, FORMULATION FOR SUCCESS:
2008). Unilever is working on “ice cream innovations” that BUTTER AND BACON
will “give the consumer varied sensory experiences, with new Meanwhile, three Canadian men have claimed a new record
products such as drinkable fizzy ice” (, for the fastest journey across Antarctica to the South Pole,
June 24, 2008). Kraft Foods has invested in a novel ingredient completing the journey of seven hundred miles in just over
screening technology that uses mathematics to identify new thirty-three days. They endured grueling trekking, altitude
compounds with specific health benefits. Replacing the old- sickness, vertigo, and painful blisters on a seven-thousand-
fashioned way of getting health benefits—it’s called eating, calorie-per-day diet of deep-fried bacon, cheese and chunks
eating real food—Kraft will use the new technology to create of butter (www.msnbc,, January 9, 2009).
a “digital fingerprint” for a group of active compounds with a
desired health benefit (, January 14, OPEN UNHAPPINESS CAMPAIGN
2009). Another trick comes from Advanced Food Systems, Coca-Cola is launching a new global ad campaign, hoping
which has introduced Actobind® ingredient systems for “in- to appeal to consumers’ longing for comfort and optimism
jection, tumbling or other processes in a wide range of end at a time when the weakening economy is sapping soft-drink
products” in order to reduce costs in meat, poultry and seafood sales. We are not making up the following ad summaries,
products. The new formulations replace sodium phosphate taken from the company’s website, www.coca-colacompany.
and can be labeled “all-natural and allergen-free” (www. com. “In today’s busy world, everyone has become dependent At the on technology. While iPhones, BlackBerries, texting and
Institute of Food Research in Norwich, England, scientists are computers keep people virtually linked, they create a lack
experimenting with foods that trick the body into feeling full. of real connection between people, causing them to morph
Normally the body does this by eating fat, but the European into avatars. The unexpected sharing of a Coca-Cola between
scientists are investigating “chemical injections or implantable two people in a diner breaks down digital walls and creates a
devices that interfere with the digestive system” and coating human connection through a moment of happiness.” Here’s
SPRING 2009 Wise Traditions 15