Page 112 - Spring2009
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The Shop Heard ‘Round the World
Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information
SPELT. Organically grown. Traditional Oberkul-
Healthy Products Farming/Wapf Lifestyle
mer Variety. Our spelt is grown by a certified
LACTO-FERMENTED VEGETABLES, cultured, organic farmer. We ship anywhere in the US. COLORADO FARM seeks 2009 interns for
100% organic, by Immunitrition. Three deli- We sell by the pound. Contact the Plain Grain minimum three months. Live at Sunrise Ranch
cious, raw blends − Garden, Sea & Sunshine. Co. LLC for details: www.carasmaternalcon- and learn about raising nutrient-dense foods,
Ships throughout USA via UPS. Available in 32, cara@carasmaternalconnec- leadership and community building. Raise
oz. jars or try our Cultured Veggie Taste Tester (248) 628-8646 (paypal accepted). produce and grass-fed beef in the foothills of
with bonus pumpkin oil & sea salt. (877) 773- 10/2 the Rockies. Visit
9229, 10/2 or call (970) 679-4330. 10/3
LIFE ENERGY STORE: Nourish Your Body, Heart
DAIRY BUSINESS for sale in Southeast. Loyal
& Spirit! Pure Supplements, Nutritious Foods, REMODELING. Michael’s Remodeling, kitchen
customer base. 8 milking Jerseys, heifers, bull,
Natural Soaps, Sea Salts, Ceremonial Herbs, and and bath design, basements, kitchens, decks. milking equipment to supply 135 families
More! Enjoy Nourishing, Healing, and Earth- Serving Northern Virginia for 17 years. Michael weekly. $40,000. Also 8 milking goats, 5 doe
Honoring Products to Vitalize Your Well-Being. Meredith (703) 764-956, Michaelsremodeling. lings, buck, milking equipment to supply 10/2 com 10/3
40 families weekly, $7,800. We will help you
through transition. 23 acres sustainable farm,
MAGNETICO SLEEP PADS renew your energy Investors Needed barn, outbuildings, creek, 5-bedroom off-grid
while sleeping. Developed by Dr. Dean Bonlie, home, $260,000. 10/3
MagnetiCo is the only magnetic sleep pad FUNDING NEEDED for educational documen-
backed by ten years of scientific research and tary film that reviews US Agriculture Policy from
Washington to current issues. Independent DAIRYMAID/MAN WANTED in the tropics!
designed to deliver the correct negative mag-
analysis combines notable experts with his- Live-in work trade on small farm in rural Ha-
netic field to the body. Six-month satisfaction torical footage to create a dramatic experience. waii. Milk cow and goats, make cheese and
guarantee. Call Dr. Dave Morris at cell (559) National Security vs. prejudice to National Se- garden in exchange for your own rustic solar
760-7618 for info. & clinical results. 10/4 curity conflicts are featured. Visit, living space and a share in all the great food.
search “In the Interests of National Security” to Est. 15-20 hours per week, couples ok. Beauti-
NATURAL PRODUCTS. Life Energy Store: Nour- see trailer. (417) 883-9033. *10/4 ful area near ocean, fun, eclectic, ‘alternative’
ish your body, heart & spirit. Delicious nutritious neighborhood. Horse lover a plus, great artist
foods: pure chocolates, coconut, mesquite, INVESTORS NEEDED. Next Level Productions is retreat. Long term is ideal, will help you learn.
agave, salts. Additive-free supplements. Natural seeking investors to complete its documentary Open and accepting attitude. 808-640-6080 or
soaps. More nourishing, earth honoring, heal- film “Body Armor.” The film follows the journey 10/4*
ing products to vitalize your vibrant health and of individuals with chronic illnesses as they
well-being! www.LifeEnergyStore. com (888) explore natural medicine and alternative thera- FARMSTEAD FRESH INC. is soliciting investors
846-6412 10/2 pies. Contact Gabe Golden. (310) 779-2816, to help with business expansion. The business *10/4 is known for training sustainable dairy farmers
NUTRIENT-DENSE FOODS shipped anywhere in making gourmet quality ‘One Step Above
in USA. Bone broth (frozen), cultured veggies, Educational Materials Organic’ grass fed raw milk cheese, and market-
soaked nuts, coconut kefir, seasonal soups, ARTICLES NEEDED. NATIONAL DIRECTORY of ing it. Web site;
kid-friendly snacks, granola all made with
organic foods in accordance with WAPF ideals. organic food sources and other natural Health 10/3
Featured at the conference. www.Meanttobe- Products needs articles, new releases, recipes,; (Seattle) (206) 604-1460. 10/4* and information about your products and ser- ORGANIC, LOCAL FOOD BASED CAFÉ for lease
vices for further issues. Advertising available. in Carlisle PA. Great opportunity for a skilled
ORGANIC, RAW SAUERKRAUT. Fresh, Raw, & Sample $3. Buffalo Creek Publications, PO Box Weston Price oriented team. Complete green
Alive! Gold Mine’s Fresh Organic Sauerkraut 397, Buffalo Lake, MN 55314. *10/3 facility, turn key operation. Large network of
is abundant in friendly, living micro-organ- local producers provide beef, chicken, dairy
isms that are powerful aids to digestion and CURE FOR TOOTH DECAY. At last, the real truth and eggs. take a look www.thegoodlifecafe.
assimilation. Independent lab tests show 7.8 about your teeth. How to prevent and halt cavi- com Call David at (717) 243 4968 *10/4
million CFU’s of live lactobacillus and bifido- ties for life. Utilize the wisdom of Weston Price
bacterium species per gram - that’s 468 million and Melvin Page. Buy the book, Cure Tooth SAWSOMME (SAW-SOM-ME): Sunshine - Air
per 1/4 cup serving! Aged in special ceramic Decay! $29.95 - Water - Soil - Ocean - Minerals - Microbes
crocs that allow the growth of friendly flora in *10/3
a safe environment, Gold Mine’s sauerkraut is - Energies. Properly balances life’s precious
- according to the most discriminating “kraut benefits. All are needed in agriculture to start,
connoisseurs” - absolutely delicious! Featured DVD of JOEL SALATIN. “Heal the Planet by Heal- nurture and sustain life’s requirements. SASE.
at the annual Conference of the Weston A. ing Your Plate,” presented at the Florida launch Ed Heine, 14N446 Hwy 20, Hampshire, IL 60140.
Price Foundation 2004-2007. (800) 475-3663 of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (847) 464-5987. *10/1
or go to August 2007. About 2.5 hours. $20 donation to
local WAPF chapter, includes shipping to US.
Email *10/3
110 Wise Traditions SPRING 2009