Page 113 - Spring2009
P. 113
The Shop Heard ‘Round the World
Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information
Personal Healing Arts
Farming/Wapf Lifestyle
TN BED & BREAKFAST. Spend your next vacation SPRINGTIME and man’s fancy turns towards? HOMEOPATHIC Care for Babies and Children.
on a working farm, LaBelle Acres in Jamestown, Outdoor activities, organic fruit, free range Join the Kairos Network Homeopathic Study
TN. Guests are welcome to fish in the ponds, chicken and of course Love! Single male 46 Group. Member of WAPF, NCH, HEAR, and the
fight chickens for eggs, or just sit on the porch seeking single female 25-45, who holds the Catskill Medicine Wheel. Low cost, effective,
rocker. Breakfast foods are supplied, guests are values of Weston Price in high regards. Chica- very useful for self-care and home prescribing.
welcome to prepare them when they desire. goland area but willing to travel. timmyd4@ Tutoring by mail for Study Group members
For more information, call (931) 863-5594 (630)350-1937. 10/4* only. Beginners welcome. Make this part of
or or http://www. your prepared parenting program. Send SASE Healing Arts to: Liz Potter, 321 Wahl Road, Livingston Manor,
labelle-acres. html. 10/1 ANCIENT TRADITIONAL HEALING WAYS. Awak- NY 12758. 10/1
en vibrant health and well being in body, mind
VERMONT FARM seeks 2009 apprentices. We and spirit with extraordinary ancient teachings LIVE BLOOD CELL ANALYSIS is a handy and
integrate American Milking Devon cattle, pigs and and effective self-empowering tools. Holistic valuable window on the state of health or
chickens with growing and fermenting six tons of counseling, energy healings, retreats. Discount disease. This procedure has a powerful moti-
vegetables. Our grain-free cows support raw milk for WAPF members. JoAnne Dodgson EdD, vating effect to help others improve their diets
sales plus butter and cheese making. We focus on, (888) 846-6412, emphasizing the principles of Weston Price.
selling nutrient-dense foods while eating well our- 10/2 Have microscope, will travel. Contact Karen
selves! Learning opportunities include milking, bio- Myer, ND, at (262) 522-9993 10/4
dynamics, natural livestock care. Positions available HOLISTIC Coaching and Meditation Tools - Re-
April to November, short and long term. Cabins, food, claim personal power, accelerate growth & take
laundry, Internet access and lots of education. Call action toward goals. Convenient telephone
Doug Flack, (802) 933-7752, Flack Family Farm, appointments, FREE Trial Session. Meditation Snailmail please. Training and soundtracks also available. Visit
10/4 or contact Ginger
at 10/4
Pasture-Raised Products
SPRING 2009 Wise Traditions 111