Page 103 - Spring2015
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The Shop Heard ‘Round the World

                 Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information
          STOOL DONOR WANTED - Seeking healthy   Shipping. Email or call for information about   Intentional Community
          stool donor for a fecal transplant procedure   shipping, referrals, auto resupply, and any
          (1X/day, 10 days). Ideal donor: raised on WAP-  general questions or information about these   Do you observe kashrut as well as follow a
          type diet, no antibiotics, and at least 13-years-  superfood products. Visit THF on Facebook.   WAP lifestyle? Seeking others with whom to
          old. Will travel & compensate the donor for   To order: email John@TraditionalHealthFirst.  share the discoveries and challenges in the
          their time. Contact:   com or call John Delmolino, Amherst, MA.   intersection of these choices. Anita Schubert
                                             (413) 210-4445.                     Manchester, CT (860) 432-3131
                Healthy Products             VITACLAY Chef Smart Organic Multi-cooker.
                                             No lead, no aluminum, no chemicals. Makes   Eco Farm: Small, farm-based community
          CULTURED VEGETABLES, 100% ORGANIC by   perfect germinated rice, quinoa, savory stews,   located near Tampa, FL with a mission of
          Immunitrition. 3 delicious, raw blends - Gar-  soups and nutritious bone broths or steamed   sustainable living. WAPF friendly looking for
          den, Sea, and Sunshine. Ships throughout   fish or veggies. Plus Bonus low temperature   others for direction and help, especially with
          the USA via UPS. Available in 32oz. jars or try   yogurt maker! Visit us online   our small pasture-based dairy operation.  This
          our Cultured Veggie Taste Tester with bonus   or call (888) 808-2015.  year we have reached 400 PPM CO2 in our
          sea salt and literature. (877) 773-9229,                               atmosphere, which makes our chance to pre-
                      Homes & Land               vent climate break-down close to zero (New
          FACE TONIQUE-100% Natural Facial Masks and                             York Times 5/11).  Small, local, farm-based
          Jojoba Oil products of the highest purity, high   200 acre KY farm. near Owenton, 4BR, 31/2BA   communities may be our only hope; it’s ours
          mineral content, sun dried, unscented and   house built 1996. Pond, pier, dock, spring-fed   at, (813) 754-7374.
          fragrance-free. Very effective for cleansing,   creek, stock pond, pasture, woods, roads. Ex-
          detoxification and general skin care treat-  cellent hunting: deer, turkey, rabbit, squirrel.   Investors Needed
          ments., facetonique@gmail.  $599K. Call Mike (859) 743-6551.
          com, (347) 455-0029.                                                   Group in Canada looking for individuals inter-
                                             Central Oregon, 32+ acre farm with herring-  ested in creating a long-term care facility on
          FLUORIDE FREE AMERICA: Mission: Enhanc-  bone 6-cow and 12-sheep milking parlor.   a working ranch in order to have meaningful
          ing communication between individuals and   Grade A milking sheep and herd share cow   activities and produce food that is chemi-
          organizations to exchange information and   operation. Orchard, greenhouse, garden site,   cal- and GMO-free. Contact Dean Goddard at
          create strategies to end water fluoridation.  underground fodder container, poultry &
 *  swine facilities on site. Barns, hay shed and
          FluorideFreeAmerica/waterliberty * 70% of   feed bunks. Three bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, open   Help the Cooking Kids group from Slovenia
          Americans are fluoridated. JOIN IN THE EF-  kitchen, office, dining room and living room.   come to EU Day, Washington DC to demo
          FORT TO END FLUORIDATION - You have the   Cabin on site, amazing 365 degree views, all   their skills on May 9, 2015. Donate by Paypal:
          right to safe drinking water.      irrigated land. (541) 613-5239. windyacres-  & choose "personal pay-
                                                             ment for friends and family" OR by check to
          GRAINS: Offering High-Brix, and GMO-free,                              "University Research Associates" at 1602 Kent
          Spelt, Rye and Heirloom Corn. We also offer   EcoDream home. 3.25 acre organically gar-  St. Portage, PA 15946.
          nutrient-dense buckwheat flour and other   dened, wooded property backs to protected
          in season products. We ship and are located   watershed with hiking/equestrian trails.  Keep   “Get An Oil Change” is a documentary film
          in Bentleyville, Pa.  Visit us at: GOSHENVAL-  animals or walk to boarding stable.  Modern   showing one nutritionist’s vision for a popu-
          LEYGRAINS.COM                      log home, must-see kitchen, 3BR, 3BA, fin-  lation to embrace once again the coconut
                                             ished basement, wood stove, decks, stone   – essentially, for the people of the Cayman
          KEFIR: Making kefir at home just got easier   patio.  Rockville, Maryland, 15min. from Shady   Islands to change their oil in order to change
          with KEFIRKO!  This innovative new tool from   Grove Metro red line.  City convenience, coun-  their health. Sally Fallon Morell is featured in
          Europe allows you to culture and strain your   try farmette feel.  $550K  Call Michelle (301)   it. Check out the Facebook page, Facebook.
          milk or water kefir grains with ease.  And the   330-4428.  Member WAPF  com/GetAnOilChange, as well as the Vimeo
          community at KEFIRHOOD.COM will connect                                teaser You can make
          you with others in your area who have kefir   Foot of the Big Horn Mts, Wyoming, low taxes.   a contribution by "tipping" us using the tip jar
          grains to share!  To learn more about KEFIRKO,   1.6 acres, large garage, large shop, 2-story   on the Vimeo page.
          visit                 metal shed, 22x40 greenhouse + garden,
                                             chicken yard, apple, cherry, pear, raspberries,
          TRADITIONAL HEALTH FIRST. Offering all   and additional fruit trees, asparagus beds,
          Green Pasture's products including Blue Ice   herb and flower perennials, etc. ALL ORGANIC.
          Fermented Cod Liver - Fermented Skate Liver   Small irrigation ditch with rights PLUS raw
          Oil - X Factor Gold High Vitamin Butter Oil both   water system. 5 bdrm, 3 bath home, large
          in liquid and capsules, Infused (with FCLO)   kitchen. Great active community center for
          Coconut Oil and Pure Indian Foods Ghee. Free   all ages nearby. $325,000. (307) 655-0123.
 Wise Traditions   SPRING 2015                       Wise Traditions                                          101

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