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about genetic or seizure disorders. Andy was including in New Zealand, Jamaica, Iceland, Belgium and India. She
very knowledgeable and could always suggest resided for twelve years in India’s coastal state of Goa, where her three
something. He was also good at telling parents children were born. Rebecca has an Integrative Institute of Nutrition
what pitfalls to avoid in the medical system. certificate as a health coach and was trained and certified by Andy
When the public learned that Andy had Cutler on how to recognize heavy metal problems. She currently lives in
died, there was an outpouring of comments from Burlington, Vermont, where she coaches people on the practical aspects
parents. I found one post particularly poignant. of using the Andy Cutler protocol to clear up mercury and other heavy
A mother said her son had asked her why she metal issues. To learn more about support groups, books and websites,
was crying, and she answered, “Because the visit the Resources page of Rebecca’s website at http://www.maybeits-
man who made you better died.” The son re-
plied, “Don’t worry mom, he’s in heaven and REFERENCES
you have the recipe.” So blessings on you, Andy! 1.
And thank you for leaving us the recipe. 2. Cutler AH. Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment. Sammamish, WA; 1999.
3. Leskova GE. [Protective effect of lipoic acid amide in experimental mercurial-
ism.] [Article in Russian] Gig Tr Prof Zabol 1979;6: 27-30.
Rebecca Rust Lee was born to a U.S. Foreign 4. Cutler AH. Hair Test Interpretation: Finding Hidden Toxicities. Sammamish,
Service officer and has lived all over the world, WA; 2004.
In 1999, at age thirty-six, I was suffering from anxiety and depression. It’s likely I suffered from anxiety my whole life
without recognizing it. Being anorexic as a teen, I also had endocrine issues almost my entire life. In 2001, I started seek-
ing alternative medicine, primarily for amenorrhea and poor brain function. In 2005, not having found any solutions and
having read testimonies of people with cognitive issues that improved after having their amalgams removed, I thought
I might as well try that myself. I had nothing to lose. I had my amalgam fillings removed by a dentist who practices safe
amalgam removal. However, the chelation and detox protocol that my holistic doctor prescribed subsequent to the removal
did me much harm. Rather than moving mercury out of my body, it mobilized it, moving even more of it into my brain.
I did almost everything that Andy Cutler says not to do: intravenous DMPS and glutathione, EDTA, chlorella and cilantro.
In 2011, my mental health worsened dramatically. It began with negative and obsessive thoughts. My sleep completely
deteriorated. I would fall asleep but wake a few hours later feeling panicked and unable to sleep. Intense anxiety, regret,
panic and obsessive thoughts plagued me twenty-four-seven. The magnitude of regret and panic over inconsequential
decisions was unfathomable. I had extreme self-hatred and guilt and cursed at myself. I screamed at God to please stop
torturing me and to take my life. I was on the verge of insanity.
At a friend’s urging, I began Andy Cutler’s chelation protocol in August 2013, with three milligrams ALA. For the first
two years, progress was slow and up and down. Shortly after the two-year mark, I began experiencing relief, for which I
am extremely grateful. Friends see a night-and-day difference in me, and I feel completely different. Prior to starting Cutler’s
protocol, I had been following a Weston Price diet (since 2000); I began Bee Wilder’s anti-candida diet in 2010; I saw two
homeopathic doctors, a specialized psychiatrist and two cognitive behavioral therapists; and I did one year of nutritional
balancing. It was not until I started following Andy Cutler’s protocol with proper supplements that I finally started getting
Karen before the Cutler protocol. Karen after the Cutler protocol.
56 Wise Traditions SPRING 2018