Page 62 - Spring2018
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I have noted       practices in more affluent metropolitan areas to  waking up to its dangers and embracing less

              a growing       phase out the use of mercury fillings, but this  toxic alternatives.
                              is due to clients’ demand for more esthetically
                trend for     pleasing dentistry  and not for any other reason.  Carl McMillan, DMD, began with a traditional
                   dental     A survey of five hundred pediatric dentists  practice in general dentistry but made the deci-
            practices in      reported that parents’ top concern about dental  sion to practice holistic dentistry after realizing
                              materials related to esthetics.  Dental practices  that the traditional model did not match his
          more affluent       in poorer and more rural areas still are more  beliefs and values. Twenty years into his holistic
          metropolitan        likely to use mercury fillings versus other types  dentistry practice, he now serves patients from
                 areas to     of fillings.                             all over the U.S. in two locations in Cary and
                                 When the demand for amalgam eventually  Cornelius, North Carolina. His belief that total
              phase out       drops to such an extent that manufacturers can  body wellness starts in the mouth is the founda-
              the use of      no longer produce it for a profit, then and only  tion of his practice. Dr. McMillan is a member
                mercury       then will we see, finally, the end of mercury fill-  and director of the International Academy of
                              ings. To hasten amalgam's demise, the IAOMT  Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT). For
             fillings, but    membership currently is leading an initiative  more information, visit his website (http://www.
              this is due     to challenge mercury usage in dentistry not

               to clients’    only to alleviate human health risks but for the
                              sake of the environment.  Other organizations  REFERENCES
                demand        such as Consumers for Dental Choice and the   1.  Bengtsson UG, Hylander LD. Increased mercury
                for more      World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry    emissions from modern dental amalgams. Biomet-
                                                                          als 2017;30:277-283.
             esthetically     also have called attention to the wide variety   2.  Hermesch CB, Wall BS, McEntire JF. Dimensional
                              of reasons to eliminate mercury from dentistry.
                                                                          stability of dental restorative materials and cements
                 pleasing     All of these movements are gaining ground   over four years. Gen Dent 2003;51:518-523.
          dentistry and       around the world, as evidenced by the European   3.  Seo DG, Yi YA, Shin SJ, Park JW. Analysis of fac-
                                                                          tors associated with cracked teeth. J Endod 2012;38:
             not for any      Parliament’s partial ban of amalgam as of 2018   4.
                              following ratification of the Minimata Conven-
          other reason.       tion on Mercury.                         5.  Carocci A, Rovito N, Sinicropi MS, Genchi G.
                                                                          Mercury toxicity and neurodegenerative effects.
                                                                          Rev Environ Contam Toxicol 2014;229:1-18.
                              DUAL JOURNEYS                            6.  Homme KG, Kern JK, Haley BE et al. New science
                                 My journey toward holistic dentistry has   challenges old notion that mercury dental amalgam
                              been one of both personal and professional   is safe. Biometals 2014;27:19-24.
                              challenges. On the personal level, I learned the   7.  Colson DG. A safe protocol for amalgam removal.
                                                                          J Environ Public Health 2012;2012:517391.
                              hard way about the impact that toxins such as   8.  Puckett AD, Fitchie JG, Kirk PC, Gamblin J. Direct
                              mercury are having on our children—and on the   composite restorative materials. Dent Clin North
                              most vulnerable members of our society. On a   Am 2007;51:659-675.
                              professional level, I have learned that until our   9.  Zimmerman JA, Feigal RJ, Till MJ, Hodges JS.
                                                                          Parental attitudes on restorative materials as fac-
                              beliefs are challenged by these types of personal   tors influencing current use in pediatric dentistry.
                              experiences, we often cannot see the truth.   Pediatr Dent 2009;31:63-70.
                              Fortunately, the word about mercury amalgam   10. IAOMT. A comprehensive review of the toxic ef-
                              is getting out, and more and more dentists are   fects of mercury in dental amalgam fillings on the
                                                                          environment and human health, 2016 update. https://
                                   ERRATA                                 Review-Dental-Mercury.pdf.
         In the Raw Milk Update on page 98 of the Winter 2017 issue, one foot   11.
         note is missing from the section called PENNSYLVANIA: FDA ANTIBI-  13. European Parliament votes to partially ban amal-
         Missing Footnote:                                                partially-ban-amalgam.aspx.
         2. PDA Commissioner Russell Redding, Letter to Pennsylvania Milk
         Permitholders, 4 October 2017.

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