Page 86 - Spring 2019 Journal
P. 86

5, 2019 the Senate Health, Education, Labor & Pensions (HELP) Com- mittee held a public hearing titled: “Vaccines save lives: what is driving preventable disease outbreaks?”
During each of the hearings, only vaccine promoters who endorse mandatory vaccination were invited to present their opinions. In the hear- ing on measles, Anthony Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Nancy Messonnier, MD, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (CDC), gave “expert” testimony. Sadly, two of the highest- ranking health officials in the United States either lied or proved grossly uninformed about the dangers of MMR vaccines.
When committee member Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-KY) asked whether measles vaccines could cause brain inflammation (encephalitis), Dr. Fauci responded “no” despite the fact that MMR manufacturers’ pack- age inserts clearly state that MMR vaccine can cause encephalitis and acute and chronic encephalopathy (brain dysfunction), and encephalitis is listed on the table that guides compensation for vaccine injuries. Dr. Fauci also declared: “Risks from vaccines are almost nonmeasurable.” Perhaps he is unaware of the VAERS reporting system, but I do not think so. And when Rep. Guthrie asked a follow-up question about the effects of MMR vaccine on susceptible children with underlying health problems, Dr. Messonnier illogically reassured the committee that parents would know whether their child’s brain was going to swell before getting MMR vaccine because doctors would tell them so!
In the second congressional hearing (HELP), John G. Boyle, CEO
of the Immune Deficiency Foundation (whose benefactors are bio- pharmaceutical corporations), declared: “The current decline in vaccine usage is literally bringing back plagues of the past.”
Really? The crazy thing is, it turns out that the media and our legis- lators are actually spreading a false narrative about vaccine compliance in America. While they blame outbreaks on “irresponsible” parents for not vaccinating their children against measles, the statistical data show
that vaccination rates for MMR compliance are not falling. As J.B. Handley, vice chairman of Children’s Health Defense, noted in his article, “CDC, check your data: MMR vaccination rates are not declining,” the trend lines for MMR vaccination rates have been flat. It is worth re- peating: vaccination rates have not gone down lately and the MMR vaccination rate has held steady for more than twenty years. The measles vaccine frenzy we are assailed with is nothing more than a way to tighten up exemption laws in every state (see Figure 3).20
Both congressional hearings calling for the enforcement of mandatory vaccination were nothing short of a circus in which no opposing experts or scientific studies were allowed, in- cluding refusing to allow the testimony of Rob- ert F. Kennedy, Jr., environmental activist and chairman of the board of the Children’s Health Defense organization. Only Senator Rand Paul bravely voiced concern about mandates during the HELP Committee hearing.
Also earlier this year, Congressman Adam
Schiff (D-CA) sent letters to Google and Face- book asking their CEOs to censor information that discourages parents from vaccinating their children. Schiff wrote, “I was pleased to see YouTube’s recent announcement that it will no longer recommend videos that violate its com- munity guidelines, such as conspiracy theories or medically inaccurate videos, and encourage
  Figure 3.
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