Page 87 - Spring 2019 Journal
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further action to be taken related to vaccine misinformation.”21
Schiff also sent a letter to Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos, who responded by removing vac- cine awareness books and videos, including my documentary, The Greater Good. Now I am not a lawyer, but should it not be illegal for a congressman to use his power to influ- ence companies in order to further his political agenda? After all, Schiff is not a doctor, and he has campaign contribution ties to Life Technolo- gies, now called Thermo Fisher Scientific. They supply vaccine manufacturers with vaccine ingredients like human embryo cell lines, calf serum, and monkey proteins.22 Schiff has also taken six hundred thousand dollars in campaign funding from “health care professionals.”23
The unfortunate reality is that vaccines will be a sixty-billion-dollar-per-year business for the pharmaceutical industry by 202024 and because of this, we will most likely continue to witness an onslaught of false information about measles and measles vaccines brought forth by uninformed media sources and legislators who receive incredible amounts of money from phar- maceutical companies.25 The pharmaceutical industry spends over twenty-six million dollars annually in the United States on advertising, and, over the past decade, members of Congress from both parties have received about eighty- one million dollars from sixty-eight pharmaceu- tical political action committees (PACs).26 With profits like these, it is no wonder that airtime for vaccine-awareness advocates is not allowed.
Can you imagine a doctor on television revealing the fact that MMR vaccine causes seizures in about one in six hundred forty chil- dren, five times the rate from measles, as well as thrombocytopenic purpura, chronic arthritis and brain damage?27 Or how about the fact that the manufacturer’s package insert says the possible effects of MMR vaccination on fetal development are unknown and that MMR vac- cines have not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutational potential, or potential to impair fertility?
Make no mistake, there are plenty of doc-
tors with reservations about vaccines. They are
just rarely able to make their voices heard. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) strongly opposes federal interference in medical decisions, including mandated vaccines. They warn that the regulation of medical practice is a state function, not a federal one, and that governmental preemption of parents’ or patients’ decisions about accepting drugs or other medical interventions is a serious intrusion into individual liberty, autonomy and parental decisions about child-rearing.27 Simply put, when there is risk, there must be a choice, yet legislators are doing everything in their power to eliminate our option to choose.
Governmental corruption in regard to vaccines is not a new phe- nomenon. Not only are vaccines exempt from rigorous safety testing, including double-blind placebo-controlled studies, but also the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 effectively eliminated pharmaceu- tical company liability for injuries caused by vaccines. In other words, vaccines have never been properly studied (or regulated), and you cannot sue the manufacturer or your doctor when vaccines injure or kill. Instead, a plaintiff must go through what is called the Vaccine Injury Compen- sation Program (VICP), or “Vaccine Court,” which is part of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. It is in this court that a government-appointed judge called a Special Master solely decides whether or not a victim is to be compensated. Despite denying most claims, the VICP has paid out more than four billion dollars to vaccine-injured persons and families, including compensation for a known eighty-three children who regressed into autism after vaccination.28
Add to this the fact that the U.S. House Committee on Government Reform issued a report which found that the “overwhelming majority of members” of the CDC and the FDA vaccine committees had conflicts of interest because of “substantial ties to the pharmaceutical industry.” Take FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb for example, who resigned after only eighteen months in office. He not only has extensive financial ties to pharmaceutical and biotech companies,29 but also was a partner at New Enterprise Associates, the company that funded the development of the disastrous birth control device called Essure, which tens of thousands of women say has damaged them for life. As recognized by the United States Supreme Court, vaccines are unavoidably unsafe, and yet we continue to hear the mantra that vaccines do not cause autism or other problems.
In support of this pro-vaccine view, a new Danish study, “Measles,
mumps, rubella vaccination and autism: a nationwide cohort study,” claims that there is no increased risk for autism after MMR vaccination. Handley makes an important point in his article, “New Danish MMR study shows autism rate of 1 in 100—CDC should rush to Denmark!” According to Handley, “It is too bad no one reads (or understands) the details about these studies that are both funded and researched by vaccine companies. This study was funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation and research completed by Danish vaccine maker Statens Serum Institut.”30
Needless to say, the new Danish study is heavily flawed and biased. It does not prove that vaccines do not cause autism, which now affects one in thirty-six American children.31 In fact, the autism rate is rising at
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