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such a fast pace that Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology, estimates that one in two children (80 percent of the boys and 20 percent of the girls) born in 2032 will end up on the autism spectrum if the exponential growth trends continue.
Here in the United States, the Autism Science Foundation (ASF) serves as a platform for pro-vaccine spokesperson and vaccine inven- tor Dr. Paul Offit of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). The organization’s website cites twenty-seven studies that they assert prove that vaccines and autism are unrelated. These studies are referenced time and time again when we hear the claim that “the science is settled.” Thirteen of the studies look at the MMR-autism relationship, ten of the studies look at the mercury-autism relationship and four of the studies are “meta-analyses” of the aforementioned twenty-three mercury and MMR studies.32 These studies examine only one vaccine and one ingredient, yet children today are required to get eleven vaccines—most of which are injected on three to four occasions.
Furthermore, two authors, both affiliated with the CDC, have either led or been coauthors on a total of eight of the studies mentioned above. One is an embezzler who stole over one million dollars of CDC grant money and is listed as a “most wanted” fugitive. The other became a whistleblower due to scientific fraud he and his colleagues committed on a CDC study. Dr. William Thompson, the whistleblower, said he and his coauthors omitted statistically significant data that suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age thirty-six months were at an increased risk for autism. In order to bury their results, CDC scientists met in a private room and resolved to destroy all of the primary data and notes from Thompson’s study. Because Thompson feared he was breaking the law, he kept proof of the data.33
There is so much evidence of vaccine fraud, yet people continue to believe that the vaccine industry is impervious to corruption. Take for example, vaccine manufacturer Sanofi, which in multiple countries has been convicted of fraud involving bribing government officials and health providers. And Merck, which manufactures measles vaccines, is in court for lying about the efficacy of the mumps portion of the vaccine. They are also in court over their disastrous HPV Gardasil vaccine. And remember when thirty-eight thousand Americans died from Merck’s drug Vioxx after they covered up the fact that it caused heart attacks?34
Perhaps the greatest gift to the vaccine-awareness camp came when Dr. Stanley A. Plotkin, largely considered the highest-ranking authority in the world on vaccines, was deposed in a child custody case in January 2018. Reluctantly, but while under oath, Plotkin confirmed many of the negative aspects and dangers of vaccines. Plotkin confirmed the follow- ing: the use of human fetal tissue in the vaccine-making process; the toxic ingredients in vaccines; the deliberate lack of testing on the part of the pharmaceutical companies and the CDC; the use of toxic substances instead of inert placebos in studies; the fact that most vaccine studies record injuries reported only within four to five days from the date of injection; and the absence of governmental or pharmaceutical studies comparing the health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children.
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Plotkin also stated that fetuses from psychiatric institutions were used and experimental vac- cines were studied on orphans, yet he does not believe a person can have a valid philosophical or religious objection to vaccination.35
We also have remarkable new information regarding another expert witness: Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, a respected pro-vaccine medical expert used by the federal government to de- bunk the vaccine-autism link, now says vaccines can cause autism after all. Zimmerman was the government’s top expert and had testified that vaccines did not cause autism. But now Dr. Zimmerman claims that during the vaccine hearings in 2007, he privately told government lawyers that vaccines can and did cause autism in some children. This turnabout from the government’s own chief medical expert stands to change everything about the vaccine-autism debate, assuming the public finds out.36
Because there can be no denying that manu-
facturer package inserts for childhood vaccines list over one hundred immune, neurological, and other chronic conditions that may occur post-vaccination, we must stop shaming parents for being “vaccine-hesitant.” The media, health officials and legislators must stop propagating misinformation to benefit their pocketbooks. In fact, they must stop outright lying. An example of this is when the ABC affiliate in New York City shared health department statistics on Janu- ary 30, 2019 showing that ninety-three of the one hundred and twenty-four people reported to have measles in Rockland County, New York (roughly three-fourths) were vaccinated—but after the story spread on social media, ABC altered the story and deleted the telling informa- tion.
It is worth taking the time to think about why officials are pushing so hard to eliminate vaccine exemptions when vaccine compliance among children is so high. Could it be that they are simply using fear to neutralize us for the next step—mandatory vaccinations for all adults? After all, there really is little more money to be made from children unless more vaccines are added to the childhood schedule or vaccination is made compulsory worldwide.
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