Page 124 - Summer2008
P. 124

The Shop Heard ‘Round the World
                Dedicated to Helping the Consumer Obtain Nutrient-Dense Foods and Accurate Nutrition Information





          DR. THOMAS COWAN                   Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN
                                              THE WHOLE NUTRITIONIST      ®
                                             Certied Clinical Nutritionist (CCN)

                  Board member of the        Loomis Digestive Health Specialist
              Weston A. Price Foundation       PhD in Nutritional Sciences
                  and author of the
               “Ask the Doctor” column                & Anti-Aging
                 in Wise Traditions.               It’s not only what you eat!
                                                 It’s what you are able to digest,
             Consultations by phone from         assimilate, utilize and eliminate!
              San Francisco, California.       State-of-the-art laboratory testing to iden-
                                              tify nutritional deciencies, imbalances

            Dr. Cowan uses nutrition, herbs,   and related stresses on your body.
           anthroposophic and other natural     Whole  food-based  diet,  enzyme  and
           remedies to treat a wide variety of   supplement plans that have been clinically
              acute and chronic illnesses,    proven to work - and work for you.
                  including cancer,            Whole solutions for digestive disorders,
             diabetes, arthritis and chronic   women’s health problems, fatigue, depres-
                      fatigue.                sion, premature aging, disease prevention
                                              and reversal. Recovery from soy and veg-
                                              etarian diets.

                                               Phone or in-ofce consultations.
           Call (415) 334-1010
             for an appointment    
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