Page 127 - Summer2008
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WiseTraditions THE WESTON A. PRICE Upcoming Events
Volume 9 Number 2 2008
Summer 2008
Education Research Activism
July 4 Christiana, PA: Potluck Picnic to celebrate the first Anniversary of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal
Defense Fund. Contact: Cathy Raymond (703) 499-5511,, www.westonaprice.
EDITORS The Weston A. Price Foundation is a nonprofit, org/calendar/FTCBirthday.html.
Sally Fallon, MA
Katherine Czapp tax-exempt charity founded in 1999 to disseminate the
research of nutrition pioneer Weston A. Price, DDS, whose July 12 Swoope, VA: Polyface Farm Field Day featuring Joel Salatin and Daniel Salatin. Contact: (800)
SCIENCE EDITOR studies of isolated nonindustrialized peoples established 355-5313,
Mary G. Enig, PhD the parameters of human health and determined the op- July 17-31 Switzerland: Space is still available for the Swiss tour. Swiss Native Judy Mudrak is organizing the
timum characteristics of human diets. Dr. Price’s research
ARTISTIC EDITOR third annual two-week trip to Switzerland for 12-20 healthy, interested members of the WAPF.
Lynda Smith Cowan demonstrated that men and women achieve perfect physi- Come see the cows, goats and sheep, meet the mountain farmers! Watch the modern/primitive
cal form and perfect health, generation after generation, Alpine cheese making and wood-wheel butter making--dying arts! Speak to a mountain bee
COVER DESIGN only when they consume nutrient-dense whole foods and farmer, see heirloom animals, attend a Swiss festival, ride the route of the Glacier Express! His-
Amy Foreman torical ‘hands on’ make-and-bake rye sourdough bread, herbalist guided Alpine plant walk with
the vital fat-soluble activators found exclusively in animal
COPY EDITORS fats. herbal salve making, splendid mountain views and more! Visit various regions including the Lo-
Janice Orion The Foundation is dedicated to restoring nutrient- etschental, where Dr. Price did his research. The tour is for two weeks and the price is 1750.00
Roger Windsor dense foods to the American diet through education, dollars inland fees only. That includes overnight stays, breakfast, scheduled tours with midday
Kaayla Daniel, PhD meals. You will book your own flight to Zurich and obtain your own Swiss Rail pass. Contact:
research and activism and supports a number of move- Judith Mudrak, 58 Cranberry Run, Southampton, NJ 08088 USA. Phone: (609) 859-3828 EST
WiseTraditions is mailed ments that contribute to this objective, including accurate or, SUBJECT: WAPFCH08.
quarterly to members of the nutrition instruction, organic and biodynamic farming,
Weston A. Price Foundation pasture-feeding of livestock, community supported farms, Aug 2 Lebanon, PA: Raw Milk Seminar sponsored by Pennsylvania Independent Consumers and Farm-
PMB 106-380 ers Association (PIFCA) hosted by Senator Mike Folmer at Cedar Crest High School and featuring
4200 Wisconsin Avenue, NW honest and informative labeling, prepared parenting and Ted Beals, Sally Fallon, William Reil and Pete Kennedy. Fee/donation of $20 includes picnic
Washington, DC 20016 nurturing therapies. Specific goals include establishment lunch provided by C.A.R.E. farmers. Contact: Kathy Cook (717) 432-2231 h, (717) 580-1900 c,
Phone: (202) 363-4394 of universal access to clean, certified raw milk and a ban
Fax: (202) 363-4396 on the use of soy-based infant formula.
Website: The Foundation seeks to establish a laboratory to test Sep 13 Ann Arbor, MI: The Deidre Currie Festival, a celebration of Food, Farming, Community and
nutrient content of foods, particularly butter produced One Beautiful Person featuring Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, Jerry Brunneti, Karen Lubbers
DISCLAIMER under various conditions; to conduct research into the and Sally Fallon. Contact: Archie Welch (248) 620-8969,
The information published herein “X” Factor, discovered by Dr. Price; and to determine
is not intended to be used as a Oct 1 Baltimore, MD: Nourishing Traditional Diets, the Key to Vibrant Health, by Sally Fallon at the
substitute for appropriate care of a the effects of traditional preparation methods on nutrient Waldorf School of Baltimore, 4801 Tamarind Road, 7:00 PM, $5 per person. Contact: Alejandra
qualified health practitioner. content and availability in whole foods. Lorenzo-Chang (410) 367-0647.
The board and membership of the Weston A. Price
PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE Foundation stand united in the belief that modern tech-
We encourage the reproduction and
dissemination of the information nology should be harnessed as a servant to the wise and SAVE THE DATES! WiseTraditions 2008
published in WiseTraditions nurturing traditions of our ancestors rather than used as a
with credit to the force destructive to the environment and human health; 9th Annual Conference of the Weston A. Price Foundation
Weston A. Price Foundation, and that science and knowledge can validate those tradi- November 7-10, 2008
as long as it is solely used Hyatt San Francisco Airport, Burlingame, California
to educate others. tions.
Permission in writing is required The Weston A. Price Foundation is supported by Featuring Natasha Campbell-McBride, Chris Masterjohn, Tom Cowan, Sally Fallon
if you intend to make money membership dues and private donations and receives no
using the material herein. funding from the meat or dairy industries. and many other fine speakers on diet and health.
See Page 32 for details