Page 20 - Summer2008
P. 20

Calomel,           We have all heard about the deleterious   my! If you would like to research this history,

                meaning       effects of mercury and how it is one of the most   however, do not turn to your local MDs, as they
                                                                         will probably not be able to provide you with any
                              poisonous substances on earth. In fact, the World
               “beautiful     Health Organization has deemed mercury unsafe   texts on the subject. Many of the books that you
          and black” in       at any level of exposure. Nevertheless, people   may nd in the local library will contain patriotic

             Greek, was       have always been fascinated with this seem-  descriptions of the great allopathic physicians
                                                                         in our country who, for over one hundred years,
                              ingly magical substance. Mercury, also known
            a derivative      as quicksilver, it is the only metal that is liquid   poisoned their patients with huge doses of a mer-
             of mercury       at room temperature, and if it spills, the little   curial substance called “calomel,” believing that
              that slowly     globules are impossibly elusive to recover. (Note   these “heroic” doses of a poisonous and powerful
                                                                         metal would cure their patients of whatever ailed
                              that in the earth, mercury is not generally found
              debilitated     in pure form but rather as part of cinnabar, or   them. Calomel, meaning “beautiful and black” in
               and killed     mercury sulde.)                           Greek, was a derivative of mercury, and it slowly

                                   Like all heavy metals, mercury (Hg) in
            hundreds of         any form is extremely toxic to life. The Romans   debilitated and killed hundreds of thousands of
                                                                         Americans. Only in the late 1960s did calomel
           thousands of       mandated mercury mining in Almadén, Spain as   quietly disappear from the U.S. Dispensatory.
              Americans       a form of capital punishment. Typically prisoners
                 until the    died after six months to three years of labor.  The   THE CHEMISTRY OF CALOMEL
                              ancient Greeks relied on mercury to manufacture

                                                                              What is calomel, and why did the doctors
               advent of      mirrors; to be a member of the mirror guild was   believe it to be harmless, despite the sometimes
             antibiotics.     considered a high honor, even though most mirror   fatal reactions to its administration? Chemically
                              masters died in their 30s, poisoned by their craft.   speaking, calomel is mercurous, or mercury,
                              The Mad Hatter in Alice in Wonderland probably   chloride (Hg Cl ) and is formed when elemental
                              used mercury in the felting process for his hats,   mercury (Hg) and mercuric chloride (HgCl )
                              hence his skewed perception of life. Mercury is   come together.
                              also used to extract gold and silver from ore.
                                   Here in the Silicon Valley, a former mer-   Hg + HgCl  → Hg Cl  (Calomel)
                              cury mine (also named Almaden, probably for
                              its Spanish counterpart) has become a county      Mercurous  chloride  is  photosensitive,
                              park, and despite assurances from various gov-  meaning that when it is exposed to UV light
                              ernmental agencies, many local residents believe   it decomposes back to elemental mercury and
                              the mine has permanently polluted the land and   mercuric chloride, causing it to turn from white
                              water for miles around.                    to black. The concept of photosensitivity was
                                   If people have known for millennia about   not discovered until the 20th century, and one
                              the toxic nature of mercury, why would he use it   can only surmise how UV exposure might have
                              as a “medicine”?                           affected the quality of the medicine.
                                   It was in the 16th century that European
                              physicians began experimenting with metals such   Hg Cl  (Calomel) → Hg + HgCl  (highly toxic)
                                                                           2  2                     2
                              as mercury and antimony on the sick; one can
                              only imagine their sheer joy (or terror) at seeing      Both  elemental  mercury  and  mercuric
                              the strong effects these metals had on the body!   chloride are water soluble and known to be ex-
                              By the founding of the American union, most   tremely poisonous. Calomel, on the other hand, is
                              physicians had decided that the merits of these   an insoluble salt, and if you ask many physicians
                              powerful substances far outweighed the detri-  and chemists today, they will tell you that only
                              mental effects, particularly when used on people   innitesimal amounts of the mercury in calomel

                              who were already ill. However, this observation   are absorbed. Theoretically, it should simply
                              is far from correct.                       pass through the intestines and be eliminated in
                                   The  history of  medicine in the United   feces. It is much less toxic than other soluble,
                              States of America is full of drama t for a soap   organic compounds of mercury, such as methyl

                              opera—purgings and bleedings and outrage, oh   mercury, responsible for Minamata Disease in
         18                                         Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2008
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