Page 15 - Summer2008
P. 15
Caustic Commentary
Sally Fallon and Mary Enig take on the Diet Dictocrats
WE ARE NOT MAKING THIS UP A content of cod liver oil. “Although the vitamin A content of
An epidemiologist from Auckland University is calling for a commercial cod liver oil was recently reduced by 75% in Nor-
health tax on butter, claiming that the dairy fat is “pure, natural way, the past high concentration remains a possible explana-
poison. . . as bad as cigarettes.” According to Professor Rod tion for the observed negative association between childhood
Jackson, butter is “the purest form of saturated fat you can cod liver oil intake and forearm BMD [body mass density]”
eat and it has no protein and no calcium. Butter has had all (American Journal of Epidemiology, 2008 (167(4):406-411).
the good things taken out and just left the poison.” Jackson’s But it is obvious from the description of the cod liver oil used
comments come in advance of a nationwide cholesterol test- in the study that the problem had to do with the ratio of A to
ing program sponsored D in the Norwe-
by the makers of Flora gian cod liver oil
Pro-Activ cholesterol- up to 1999, which
lowering spread. The contained only 40
program features nurses IU vitamin D for
in shopping malls pro- 3,300 IU vitamin
viding ngerprick tests A. The vitamin D
to determine people’s is mostly removed
cholesterol levels (www. w i t h m o d e r n processing tech-
html). It was the late Val- niques, leaving a
erie James, a New Zea- product with an A
lander, who discovered to D ratio of over
that the active sterols 80 to 1, when it
in cholesterol-lower- should be 10 to
ing spreads are actually 1 or less. Of the
the waste products of women currently
the wood pulp industry, taking cod liver
which cause sex inver- oil (60 percent of
sion in sh downstream those in the study),
from the mills (http:// there was no nega- Courtesy Mike Adams and Dan Berger, tive association
modernfood/toxinstoast. with BMD.
html). And what’s to be done with all the beautiful, nutrient-
dense grass-fed New Zealand butter that Kiwis are no longer INFORMATION EXCLUDED
supposed to eat? According to Jackson, it can be shipped to Your tax dollars pay for the National Institutes of Health and
China—apparently butter is not toxic to the Chinese, with its National Library of Medicine and hence Medline, the online
whom New Zealand coincidentally has a new trade agree- index of articles published in medical journals. But although
ment—or turned into biofuel! Medline indexes material from Newsweek, Consumer Reports,
Reader’s Digest and Time magazine, it refuses to index the
CONCERNS ABOUT COD LIVER OIL Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, even though it is peer-
A new study out of Norway found that consumption of cod reviewed. The journal Fluoride and the Journal of the Ameri-
liver oil during childhood was negatively associated with can Association of Physicians and Surgeons (which opposed
bone mass density, which researchers blamed on the vitamin mandatory vaccinations) are similarly excluded. Articles from
SUMMER 2008 Wise Traditions 13