Page 11 - Summer2008
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urge you to either remove this article Price cites a group that sunbathed with no support from drug companies and
from your website or include Prof. coconut oil on their skin, which they is run entirely by volunteers, with no
Kalish’s comment in order to better rep- thought had nutritional value. But all paid staff at all. People who volunteer
resent the evidence linking sun exposure of these cultures also obtained vitamin for the ARF are motivated by their own
and melanoma. D from foods like oily sh, sh livers, improved health using the approach
Crystal Edler, M.A. sh eggs and butterfat and organ meats developed by the ARF, or the potential
Iowa City, Iowa from grassfed animals. Thus, we should they see in the Foundation’s work for
make sure to obtain plenty of vitamin D helping themselves, family members and
While these studies are provocative and from diet and sunshine, but we should the wider community. I am one of these
intriguing, we should, as you point out, still protect ourselves from sunburning volunteers, not the Executive Director,
be careful before we jump to the conclu- or excessive tanning. as the Commentary mistakenly men-
sion that the more sun to which we are tions.
exposed, the better. The rst study, nding NEW STANDARD The work of the ARF arises from
an increased survival among melanoma This morning I received a set of the discoveries of its founder and direc-
patients with solar elastosis, a sign of laboratory values for my patients from tor, Professor Trevor Marshall, PhD,
chronic sun exposure, compared to mela- Quest Diagnostics Incorporated. The building on decades of research on the
noma patients without solar elastosis, laboratory’s new reference range for role of bacteria in chronic in ammatory
has multiple interpretations. It is known total cholesterol is 125-170 mg/dL. diseases. Dr. Marshall has developed
that there are cellular pathways to the Virtually all of my patients now meet an approach that restores functioning
development of melanoma, and it may criteria for statin medications. of the vitamin D receptor, which he has
be that excessive sun exposure causes As your readers know, low choles- found to be compromised by intracel-
a less aggressive type, while the more terol is associated with anti-social and lular and bio lm bacteria that block the
aggressive type has different causes. violent behavior. From this I suspect receptor (
However, the second study is more con- the new cholesterol norms will keep articles/94642.php) in order to evade
vincing, because the total incidence of psychiatrists in business. the immune system. Blockage of the
lymphoma was lower among people with Ann Childers, MD receptor by the bacteria leads to dysregu-
increased sun exposure. Nevertheless, Oregon City, Oregon lation of vitamin D levels, which can be
the mechanism is unclear, a connection mistakenly interpreted as a vitamin D
to vitamin D is speculative, and we must We published a chart in the Summer, de ciency and lead to the many studies
always remember that correlation does 2007 issue, page 7, showing that for- showing a correlation between disease
not prove causation. The possibility that merly cholesterol levels up to 300 mg/dL states and low vitamin D levels.
vitamin D may protect against a variety were considered normal. In what may seem paradoxical at
of cancers has gathered a great deal of rst, Dr. Marshall has found that revers-
evidence, but vitamin D can be obtained THE MARSHALL PROTOCOL ing the disease process and eventually
both from sunshine and from diet, and it It was stated in the commentary, regaining health typically requires an
is not necessary to tan or even turn pink “More News about Vitamin D,” (Spring, avoidance of supplemental vitamin D
in order to maximize one’s vitamin D 2008), that the work of the Autoim- as part of the overall anti-bacterial ap-
production for any given day. Among the munity Research Foundation (ARF), a proach. This is because supplementation
populations studied by Dr. Price, some California non-pro t, was part of the can often contribute to the blockage of
groups received considerable exposure pharmaceutical industry’s strategy to the vitamin D receptor by raising lev-
to sunlight while others almost always counter evidence on the bene ts of vita- els of the precursor form, 25-D, into a
covered their skin with clothing. And min D. On the contrary, the ARF receives range that can add to receptor blockage.
SUMMER 2008 Wise Traditions 9