Page 7 - Summer2008
P. 7


          have much clout or get much attention  tallow (used to blanch the fries) to a   change out the oil until the french fries
          nationally (unless you’re talking about  trans-free concoction of three polyun-  are brown and taste like, well, rancid
          oil!), especially with respect     saturated oils. This will now bring them   french fries.
          to agriculture. My aspiration                                                        About  a  year  ago  I
          to make 100 percent of my                                                      was visiting the Toronto Ea-
          living from the farm here in                                                   ton Center in New York. On
          Alaska has been scoffed at.                                                    average 750,000 people visit
          Local farmers tell me I’m                                                      this mall every day. In the
          crazy.  However,  we  have                                                     south end is a fast food area
          ignored these remarks and                                                      with a New York Fries outlet.
          plowed on, determined to                                                       Out of curiosity I approached
          make it work.                                                                  a fellow who looked like the
              The work you are doing                                                     store owner working in this
          is so much more important                                                      NYF, and he was quick to tell

          than  just  “I  want  to  sell                                                 me that the “light avor” of
          milk.” It is a most basic of                                                   their fries was from a change

          freedoms,  the  foundation                                                     to sunower oil only. When I
          of all our other freedoms,                                                     asked him if he changed the
          to be able to feed ourselves                                                   oil out each day, he looked
          and our families according                                                     at me in shock and said that
          to our own convictions. If                                                     I must be crazy as they only
                                                                                         change out the oil every four
          we  are  not  allowed  to  do                                                  days!
          this  are  there  any  other                                                         Has anyone ever g-

          freedoms that really matter?                                                   ured out the quantity of free
          Thank you, your whole staff                                            radicals boiling away in the bottom of
          and the Legal Defense Fund again so  in line with US practices.        those fryers? Having been to hundreds
          much!                                  McDonald’s  and  its  competitors   of grand openings at McDonald’s, I can
                                             clean the oil each night by passing it   attest to the fact that their McNuggets

                                  Matt Shaul  through a large paper lter dusted with   and fries are absolutely fabulous when
                 Cranberry Ridge Farm, Alaska  baking soda to eliminate the rancid   they make the rst batch in the fryers.

                                             avor. Newer, deep fryers are now self   After that, they never taste the same

          Unfortunately, the Alaska bill to legalize  cleaning with a built-in lower drawer.   even when they change out the oil. If
          raw milk sales was defeated this year;  The oil is kept in the unit for at least   I do have a hankering for such foods,
          but Alaskan raw milk activists can al-  three days and is topped up regularly.   I now ask them which day they last
          ways try again next year.              Most, if not all, of the McDonald’s   changed out the oil. Considering they
                                             owners are millionaires and, believe it   do $3000 an hour in sales, that’s a lot
          BOILED IN OIL                      or not, they are personally very health   of boiled oil! I would never visit such a
              As you have reported, recently the  conscious, many being  tness buffs.   place on a Sunday evening.
          Ontario government called for a ban on  Few eat their own food.           One would think that with the mil-
          trans fats. At the same time, however,     I am more afraid of the small family   lions of dollars invested in hopeless
          McDonald’s has initiated a changeover  stores—I know because I grew up in   food items like McRib and Pizza’s (here
          of its french fry shortening from beef  the restaurant business—which never   in Canada), they would be the rst to

          SUMMER 2008                                Wise Traditions                                             5
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