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THE WESTON A. PRICE                            President’s Message

                   FOUNDATION         ®

                 Education  Research  Activism


              Sally Fallon, MA, President and Treasurer     In this issue, we focus on the past, specically on the use of mer-
              Mary Enig, PhD, FACN, CNS, Vice President  cury in the practice of “heroic” medicine, that is, medicine predicated
              Geoffrey Morell, ND, JP, Secretary
              Tom Cowan, MD                          on the assumption that only aggressive and toxic methods can heal
              Cherie Calvert                         disease. Even though it was obvious to many observers for hundreds of
              Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN
              Valerie Curry Joyner                   years that strong mercury-based medicines like calomel did not alleviate
            GENERAL COUNSEL                          suffering, and in fact caused long-term harm, physicians continued to
              James Turner, Esq.                     prescribe “heroic” doses of calomel well into the 1920s.
            HONORARY BOARD                                Physicians no longer use calomel, but the paradigm of “heroic”
              Jen Allbritton, BS, CN                 medicine is still with us in the form of radiation and chemotherapy
              Christian B. Allen, PhD
              Naomi Baumslag, MD, MPH                for cancer patients (doctors go aggressively after tumors and hope the
              Marie A. Bishop, CDC
              Jerry Brunetti                         patient manages to live), multiple vaccinations for children and antibi-
              Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD           otics for almost everything (on the conviction that the only good germ
              Lee Clifford, MS, CCN
              Christapher Cogswell, MA               is a dead germ). But perhaps the greatest evil of modern medicine is
              Monica Corrado
              Janice Curtin                          the aggressive campaign against cholesterol, in which the entire adult
              Eric Davis, BDSc, DAc, DCN             population, and even many young people, are targets for cholesterol-
              William Campbell Douglass, MD
              Sara Bachman Ducey, MS, CNS            lowering drugs and everyone, including growing children, is subject to
              James A. Duke, PhD                     “heroic” lowfat diets to save them from the evils of high cholesterol.
              Carol Esche, DNP, MA, RN, CNA
              Mike Fitzpatrick, PhD                  Even though the adverse effects of cholesterol-lowering measures are
              Ruth Ann Foster, MA
              Donna Gates, BS, MEd                   obvious to anyone who cares to look and who possesses an ounce of
              Zac Goldsmith, Editor, The Ecologist   common sense—growth problems and learning disorders in children to
              Nicholas Gonzalez, MD
              Trauger Groh                           depression, nervous disorders, weakness and infertility in adults—doc-
              Joann S. Grohman                       tors continue to push cholesterol levels as low as they can go, the patient
              Barry Anthony Groves
              Beatrice Trum Hunter, MA               be damned. Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs will eventually go the
              Richard James, MBA, LLD
              Larry Klein                            way of calomel, but if history is any guide, it will take many years for
              Kilmer McCully, AB, MD, MA (hon)       them to disappear completely.
              Frank Melograna, MD
              Carlos Monteiro                             Many natural and nontoxic schools of medicine emerged as a
              Joseph Mercola, DO                     reaction to heroic medicine, including homeopathy; so, too, the Weston
              Kenneth Fielding Morehead, DOM
              David Morris, BS, DC                   A. Price Foundation was founded as a reaction to the lowfat and anti-
              Bruce Rind, MD
              Julia Ross, MA                         cholesterol agenda. Our philosophy is based on the assumption of a
              Jordan S. Rubin, NMD, CNC              cooperative and sustaining natural world, one that supports the fullness
              Ethan Russo, MD
              Adrienne Samuels, PhD                  of life for those who live within her laws, rather than the hostile environ-
              Jack Samuels, MSHA                     ment of heroic medicine, one that must be distrusted, guarded against,
              Ron Schmid, ND
              Andreas Schuld                         fought against, outsmarted, poisoned, suppressed and overcome.
              Frederick I. Scott, Jr, BE, MS
              C. Edgar Sheaffer, VMD                      The generation of children now growing up on a nourishing
              Ted Spence, DDS, ND                    traditional diet will be the generation that ushers the Weston A. Price
              Rebecca L. Stearns, LAc, DAc
              Alana Sugar, CN                        philosophy into the main stream. Nothing gives me more hope for the
              Krispin Sullivan, CN                   future than our ongoing Healthy Baby Gallery (see page 97). Thanks to
              Joe Tarantolo, MD
              John Umlauf                            their pioneering parents, who are wise enough to recognize the sustaining
              Charles Walters, MA
              Susun S. Weed                          principles of the natural world and the fallacies of modern materialistic
              David Wetzel, BS                       scientism, these children will possess the strength, intelligence and will
              Bruce West, DC
              George Yu, MD                          to sweep away the last vestiges of “heroic” medicine—radiation, che-
                                                     motherapy, vaccinations, antibiotics, lowfat diets and statin drugs—and
                                                     replace them with therapies based on nutrient-dense food.
         2                                          Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2008
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