Page 6 - Summer2008
P. 6
for many other people that suffer from research mega bucks. Even if global PARTNERSHIP
similar problems. There is hope for warming is a myth, the environmental, The government assault on raw milk
people with mental illness, please do social and even economic bene ts of brings to mind the assault on insects
not give up, call Theresa Vernon (805) change are enormous. Consequences of with pesticides and the assault on hu-
649-8891. doing nothing could be catastrophic. man disease with pharmaceuticals. Both
Kasha Neam Bill Rosin “remedies” are increasing in volume
Falls Church, Virginia Selby, South Dakota and cost while the pest-insects and our
illness problems increase year by year,
Theresa Vernon will be a speaker at Wise We should not base our opinions on not to mention the cost of both.
Traditions 2008. As a resource, Kasha whether a particular point of view is Ever since the government started
and Theresa recommend The Strands deemed supportive of either corporate interfering with the natural ow of ag-
of Health: A Guide to Understanding or environmentalist agendas, on how riculture and medical care, things have
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis by Rick many scientists support the view (so- eroded to a point where we cannot afford
Malter PhD. called concensus science) or whether pesticides, pharmaceuticals. . . or the
scientists who question global warming government. It is time we get back to
OUT OF PLACE? promote the use of wind turbines, but nature to solve our problems. To quote
Matthew Rales’ article “An In- on the totality of the evidence available. François Rabelais, this is “science with-
convenient Cow,” (Spring 2008) was Evidence taken from around the globe out conscience,” compounded chaos.
wonderful. He “hit the nail on the head.” indicates that the earth goes through I’m doing my utmost to promote
Grass-based agriculture would solve so cycles of warming and cooling, facts the things you’re doing at the Weston A.
many problems. It would fuel a switch that proponents of global warming fail Price Foundation, such as championing
from fossil fuel to solar-powered food to mention. The “hockey stick” graph raw milk and defending the independent
systems, repopulation of rural areas, used to justify draconian worldwide farmer. I often share your news releases
restoration of peoples’ health and the government controls was constructed on my radio program, “Return to Eden.”
best, fastest way to sequester carbon. using highly selective and improperly In addition, my website
The sidebar article on global warm- manipulated data. We should be wary of is the source of commentaries about is-
ing seemed glaringly out of place The fearful scenarios that call for solutions sues that matter.
main article was rightfully critical of involving massive government bureau- I consider it my duty to do my part
our corporatized, industrialized food cracies—the consequences of doing to help turn this country around. It is my
system. Yet this side article was sup- something could be disastrous! And for pleasure to partner with the Foundation
portive of corporatized, industrial in- the record, your editor does not support toward that end.
spired global warming detractors. The wind turbines as a solution to our energy Ed De Boer
website referred to had articles from problem. They are not economically vi- Bakerseld, California
relatively few “scientists” citing only able without government subsidies and
a few data inconsistencies, a common are made from aluminum, the production RAW MILK IN ALASKA
detractor strategy. Some articles on the of which is highly energy intensive and My wife and I operate Alaska’s only
site were almost derogatory in their polluting. Furthermore, they contribute “legal” farmstead goat cheese-making
criticism of “environmentalists” and to visual pollution; in fact they ruin the business. I just wanted to write a note
the “greenhouse industry.” One article landscape. thanking you for your help and support
was strongly critical of wind turbines. A for the legalization of raw milk sales in
thesis was that this greenhouse industry our state.
is deceiving us to continue to receive Ours is a state that really doesn’t
4 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2008