Page 9 - Summer2008
P. 9
A BEEF shelf life by preventing lipid peroxida- EFFECTIVE TEACHINGS
In your article “It’s the Beef” tion. I am a 21-year-old college student
on your website you state: “The most In Canada, beef with yellow fat at Florida State University who can tes-
likely causes of increased heart disease cannot be graded as Canada Prime tify, after only a few months, to the ef-
in America are the other changes in our AAA, AA, or A. Carcasses with yel- fectiveness of your teachings. I was born
diets—huge increases in consumption low fat are graded as B and cannot be a healthy weight, breast fed for years,
of rened carbohydrates and vegetable marketed in Canada. In the Japanese but then raised on pasteurized milk and
oils, particularly hydrogenated vegetable market, the fat must have a satin-like cold cereal, never knowing anything
oils; and the decline in nutrient levels in appearance for Japanese consumers who that is advocated on your website. The
our food, particularly minerals and fat have a strong aversion to yellow fat, the soup I ate was MSG-packed Campbell’s
soluble vitamins—vitamins found only healthiest kind! products, and the cereals all had huge
in animal fats.” It really speaks to the need for amounts of sugar
Let me share my “beef” with you: grass-fed beef with good nutrient-rich When I was diagnosed with ADD
The beef industry, like any industry with yellow fat in our diet, not the industrial- at a young age I was put on various
a product to sell, conducts customer sur- ized white version. The beef we are eat- drugs. The medications made me feel
veys as a marketing strategy to enhance ing is devoid of many nutrients and may like a zombie, and I did not feel like a
its product sales. One of the questions be contributing to our chronic diseases child should at that age. I required braces
customers are asked is: What color fat since it is not what nature intended us at a young age and had to have six teeth
do you prefer your beef to have? Given to eat. pulled in total.
the choice of yellow fat or white fat, the Dr. Paul Chris, OD For the past year, I have had a
consumer has a preference for white fat, Toronto, Canada pretty obvious case of gingivitis; my
and the whiter the better. Cattle raised on gums looked puffy around the edges and
pasture consume green grasses which, It would be interesting to see whether bled during ossing quite easily. This
because of their high carotenoid levels, there is a large difference in vitamin A in has subsided in the past few days. The
turn their fat yellow. Beta-carotene is yellow compared to white fat. Omega-3 only change I can account for is diet. I
the major component responsible for content does not change appreciably (it discovered Dr. Mercola and his material
fat color in cattle. Beta-carotene is only is low in both pasture-fed and grain-fed a few months ago, and through him your
a minor component of total carotenoids beef), but grain-fed beef contains more organization. I had given up all dairy
in grass (about 5 to 8 percent) but is se- monounsaturated fatty acids. It is un- except cheese on pizza and occasional
lectively absorbed making up 80 percent likely that grain nishing of beef is the indulgences because the allergic reac-
of the yellow pigments in beef fat. chief cause of our health crisis today. tions were becoming too much to bear.
To satisfy the consumer, the last Grain nishing is not a new practice My replacement was non-GMO soy
several months of a cow’s life are spent and humans never got appreciable milk.
in a feedlot eating a grain-based (low- amounts of vitamin A from beef fat. To A chiropractor who xed a ver-
carotenoid) diet. The fat loses up to 90 the great increases in the consumption tebral misalignment in my top two
percent of its beta-carotene and its color of vegetable oils, re ned carbohydrates vertebrae about 10 months ago told me
turns white. (It also loses two-thirds of and processed foods we should prob- I must have an exceptionally strong
its vitamin E content, two-thirds of its ably add a decline in the consumption constitution to not have fallen under
omega-3 content and two-thirds of its of organ meats as a contributor to our the myriad number of symptoms that
CLA content.) current health crisis. come with upper cervical misalignment,
However, the cattle are fed vita- which causes the cervical spine to push
min E because it is known to promote against the brain stem, resulting in de-
SUMMER 2008 Wise Traditions 7