Page 13 - Summer2008
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          sary and see our goal as to eliminate the  recovery from diseases such as autoim-  lesions. Furthermore, the study did not
          pathogens and consume a healthful diet,  mune diseases and  bromyalgia, but  measure vitamin A. Vitamin A intakes

          so as to not need pharmaceutical inter-  even potentially eliminate inammatory  were probably low for the simple fact
          vention. I think the Marshall Protocol  diseases of aging, such as heart disease,  that  physicians  now  warn  seniors
          has more in common with the Weston A.  osteoarthritis and even cancer.   against excessive vitamin A intake. For
          Price Foundation’s mission than might                                  example, a recent review states that

          rst appear. Dietary changes, including         Joyce Waterhouse, PhD  physicians should explicitly warn their

          an increase in sugar and rened grains   patients against exceeding the RDA
          is, in our view, just one of the changes                               for vitamin A even though the tolerable
          in cultural practices that have led to an  Thank you for your letter of correction.  upper intake limit set by other bodies
          increase in chronic disease. A number  Regarding the study on brain lesions,  is four times greater than the RDA.
          of the recent changes that have occurred  this study was cross-sectional and not  (Jackson HA, Sheehan AH. Effect of
          have also led to an increase in intracel-  longitudinal, and cross-sectional stud-  vitamin A on fracture risk. Ann Phar-
          lular bacteria that block the vitamin D  ies are less capable of discerning cause  macother. 2005;39(12):2086-90). There
          receptor and thus there is a need for  and effect than prospective longitudinal  is no evidence from the abstract that the
          an approach that reverses the current  studies because there is no evidence  patients who were supplementing with
          trend. Recent ndings indicate that we  that  the  vitamin  D  supplementation  vitamin D were getting any more vita-

          may not only be able to accomplish  preceded the development of the brain  min A than those who weren’t. It would

                The site referred to is correct in stating that no natural material, including wool—used by itself as a fire barrier—could
           ever withstand a federal open flame test without fire retardant chemicals added. This is the point made by the web site’s
           video, “Wool Burns,” which shows an untreated skein of wool going up in flames. But untreated organic/sustainably grown
           wool is not used by itself as a fire barrier in my mattresses, nor in a few other properly built organic mattresses made by
           other manufacturers. This fact exposes the web site’s “Wool Burns” video as dramatic but ultimately as meaningless as it
           is misleading. When used properly and constructed skillfully with other correct, natural, untreated materials in a quality
           organic mattress, the wool in combination with these other materials does, in point of fact, pass and continues to pass all
           federal and state open flame tests. Furthermore, I have my wool tested through an independent lab in Germany, and the
           wool is free of all harmful chemicals, including organophosphate flame-retardants of all types, antimony and boric acid.
                Thus there is no need to go through a doctor’s prescription to get a mattress without fire retardants and wind up
           sleeping in a natural bed that has not passed federal safety laws; or on a synthetic mattress that may include other poten-
           tially toxic petroleum-based materials as part of its very construction! I find it odd that any consumer concerned with the
           dangers of chemicals would desire any mattress comprised chiefly of synthetics—with or without toxic chemical fire retar-
           dants added to the mix. The only time I ever suggest people use a doctor’s prescription to sleep on a mattress that cannot
           pass fire safety laws is when the person wants an organic and natural mattress but does not want wool. In these cases, the
           client is informed that the mattress is made only with organic cotton and natural latex or inner springs—no wool—and
           that it will not pass the open flame test.
                Mine is a small, environmentally conscious business, and we go it alone without large corporate sponsorship. We
           believe in the safety and the quality of the mattresses we make and our business depends upon the trust of our customers.
           This trust was potentially compromised by Dr. Kureshi’s letter, a commercial ad dressed up like a public service announce-
           ment. I hope your readers will continue to do what they do best: looking past facile claims and questioning any person or
           site that purports to possess the ultimate truth.
                                                                               Mary Cordaro, Valley Village, California
           Mary Cordaro will be a speaker at Wise Traditions 2008.

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