Page 8 - Summer2008
P. 8


         implement a new method of cooking  is impossible. So we remain at logger-  oil have given my Mom a new lease on
         french fries. Perhaps some sort of hot  heads as I continue to improve and he  life. Even the severe depression she’s

         oil spray that is used once, then ash  chooses to remain mysti ed as to how.  had most of her life is now gone.
         cooked, just like fast freezing. They                                                         Elise Deitz
         certainly have the resources to do such                   Kathy Gibb                 Clarion, Pennsylvania
         a thing.                                     Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
                            John Goldmaker                                      RAW MILK IN SWEDEN
                        Mississauga, Canada  ANOTHER OSTEOPOROSIS CURE               Thank you for all your work on
                                                My mom, now 72, was diagnosed  traditional diets. It has made a huge
         Of course, the real solution is to go back  with osteoporosis in her late 30s, early  impact on how I and my family view
         to using stable tallow.            40s.  She  was  a  heavy  milk  drinker  food, cooking and nutrition. I am a sci-
                                            (pasteurized) and heavy smoker. She  entist and like the fact that everything
         DOCTOR MYSTIFIED                   suffered from back problems for years  on your websites is so well referenced,
            I had a bone density scan over two  and in 2003 had to have surgery at the  but perhaps even more important is that
         years ago and was told I had full blown  Cleveland Clinic for compression frac-  everything makes so much more com-
         osteoporosis. I take three grains of Ar-  tures in her lower lumbar spine. She was  mon sense than the rubbish propaganda
         mour thyroid every day (3/4 grain every  told by local doctors and the Cleveland  governments try to push on us.
         six hours) and my endocrinologist is  Clinic doctors that she should prepare     It is possible to obtain raw milk
         constantly worried that this will make  to be in a wheelchair.         in Sweden, as it is legal to buy direct
         my osteoporosis worse.                 She saw a rheumatologist at Cleve-  from the farm. We buy our milk from
            A  new  scan  was  done  recently,  land Clinic a few times in 2004, but  a nearby farmer who produces organic
         same machine, same doctor, but differ-  when he said the over-the-counter cal-  milk. Unfortunately, Sweden is rather
         ent results. My improvement has been  cium supplements were the best source  cold in the winter, so the cows are in-
         so dramatic that I sit on the borderline  of calcium for women, we lost all respect  doors several months in a row (they do
         between osteopenia and normal. I have  for him. He tried to get Mom on all the  get exercise once a week), and are fed
         refused all the drugs my doctor has  various drugs, such as Fosamax and  grains along with hay (I think some of
         wanted me to take (Fosamax, Evista,  Evista, but she had already tried them  the hay is fermented). I think that they
         Boniva), and although I have the best  and experienced side effects, so she  are grazing outdoors for at least six
         of intentions, my strength training is  refused to try them again.     months though, so we are satised. The

         mostly done in my dreams.              The only change she made back in  milk tastes great and has done wonders
            Diet is the key to my improvement;  2003 was I got her on raw milk and cod  for my eldest as she completely stopped
         most notably raw milk, raw butter, and  liver oil, and she has never had another  having ear infections and runny nose as
         no commercial vegetable oils. I became  fracture. She had stopped taking cod  soon as we made the transition to raw
         committed to a WAPF diet almost ve  liver oil last March when she had heart  milk. We also make our own whole milk

         years ago after breaking my pelvis and  surgery, and she was recently told by her  butter milk ( lmjölk), but we are a bit
         arm. Normally it takes years for im-  doctor that she has “polymyalgia” be-  too lazy to separate the cream.
         provements to show, especially if one  cause her SED rate was 126 and needed
         is recovering from a major injury. My  to be on prednisone immediately. We              Martin Andersson
         doctor is Indian which allows him to  said “no” and I got her on the fermented         Ostervang, Sweden
         “accept” the fact that I drink raw milk,  cod liver oil. The doctor is scratching
         but his American medical training has  his head because her SED rate is now 53
         taught him that a recovery without drugs  without prednisone! Diet and cod liver
         6                                          Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2008
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