Page 10 - Summer2008
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         pression (which I battled my whole life)     In my experience with the blessed  of age. I thought I was giving them the
         and other strange symptoms, ranging  candles, when they are used properly,  perfect food. We as consumers are being
         from weak immune systems to physi-  they absolutely clean out any excess  terribly misinformed with these fever-
         ological short leg, which I had, until the  wax that may be causing you problems.  ishly advertised claims for soy when
         moment he gently, with no popping or  When you create a vacuum with the  it is truly a chemical cocktail slowly
         cracking, nudged my cervical vertebrae  candle, as is intended, by making sure  poisoning us instead.
         into proper alignment. I am sure that  that smoke is not entering your ear, you             Carlie Ferland
         the year or two I spent drinking soy did  will truly clean out any excess wax. If     Whitehorse, Canada
         not produce the weakness or the other  you had any to remove in the  rst place,
         symptoms I have read about from soy  the evidence is left at the bottom of  RAW MILK CHALLENGE
         because of the strength of my constitu-  the candle and can be inspected upon     I too get a little caustic at times
         tion.                              unrolling it—the wax that accumulates  with  the  anti-raw  milk  folks.  What
              The  point  is,  my  gingivitis  is  there is the proof. I suggest that the  rst  I would offer them is a challenge to
         gone, and I have to think that, aside  time you do this, have it done by some-  prove a food safety point. I would gladly
         from properly preparing nuts, seeds and  one who knows what they are doing,  consume a quart or more of raw milk
         grains and making homemade broth  because if you are holding the candle at  of my choice, after three or four days
         from pasture-fed chickens, the raw milk  the wrong angle, it will be more dif cult  without refrigeration, while they do the
         is why. I drink about one quart per day  to obtain said vacuum.        same with their choice of pasteurized/
         on average, of course with no reactions                 Alexis Morini  homogenized milk. I’d gladly repeat
         other than energy and lack of any sort    Balsam Grove, North Carolina  the experiment, side by side, as many
         of ADD symptoms as my friends and                                      times as my pasteurized/homogenized
         family will testify.               REBOUNDING HEALTH                   competitors would like to take part.
                              David Bonilla     Since  taking  my  son  Brodie  off     I  would  assume  no  takers,  just
                         Tallahassee, Florida  soy milk and soy products he has been  highly  paid  talkers.  My  family  is
                                            rebounding from health and behavior  healthier because of you and the Founda-
         EAR CANDLING                       problems. He had complained of his head  tion—thanks from all of us!
            I am a new member of the Weston  spinning, fatigue, inability to think, and                  Bill Neu
         A. Price Foundation and was excited to  more dif culties related to concentra-         Lyons, Wisconsin
         receive my rst copy of Wise Traditions,  tion and performance at school. And

         Winter 2007 edition. However, I was  since quitting soy products the circles  SUNLIGHT AND MELANOMA

         disappointed to nd some misinforma-  have disappeared from under his eyes.     The article entitled “Sunlight and
         tion in the article, “Traditional Remedies  His attitude is much more positive and  Melanoma: The Surprising Connection”
         for Childhood Illness” by Sarah Pope.    patient, he can mentally function while  on your website is in error. Upon exam-
            I am always in support of not rush-  learning reading skills and his writing  ining the publications in the Journal of
         ing our children to the pediatrician’s  skills have improved.          the National Cancer Institute to which
         ofce at the slightest sign of discomfort,     Brodie had been exhibiting most  the article refers as well as the published

         but I cannot agree with her summation  of the signs of ADD/ADHD. When he  comments regarding the articles, it is
         of ear candling. She states, “Ear candles  could not concentrate and succeed, he  premature and irresponsible to conclude
         don’t really clean out your ear—that is  would become frustrated,  dget and  that one should increase one’s exposure
         misinformation—but they blow warm  misbehave.                          to the sun in order to increase the chance
         smoke into your ear that helps dry out     Both my boys had been taking soy  of surviving melanoma. Please see the
         any moisture that may be in there.”   formula and/or soy milk since one year  comment by Kalish (2005) in JNCI. I
         8                                          Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2008
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