Page 5 - Summer2008
P. 5


          AMAZING RECOVERY                   the most psychotic behavior yet, the on-  severe mineral imbalances, along with

              My son Gregory had his rst epi-  set of voices. Once this began, nothing  serious thyroid and adrenal malfunction.
          sode of mental illness about eight years  could stop the torment that took place  First, Theresa addressed his thyroid and
          ago. Soon after, he was diagnosed with  within my poor son’s own mind. As a  adrenal problems by providing sup-
          bipolar disorder, followed by schizo-  mother, unable to help her child, I began  portive vitamins and minerals. After he
          phrenia, then schizoaffective disorder,  living the most frightening nightmare  gained some strength back and began
          then back to the diagnoses of bipolar.  imaginable.                    to feel better, she prescribed a detox
          He was repeatedly hospitalized in men-     From January 2001, we spent a great  program that balanced out his mineral
          tal health facilities and treated with a  deal of time in and out of hospitals, with  levels while eliminating heavy metals.
          variety of antipsychotic, antidepressant  different psychiatrists, psychologists  He experienced many ups and downs
          and mood-stabilizing drugs, almost as  and  social  workers,  trying  different  during the elimination process. This
          if he were a guinea pig in a research  medications, diets and supplements, and  was a very trying period for all of us.
          lab. None of the medications facilitated  nothing seemed to work. I was begin-  Through further analysis, it was also
          any type of long-term healing. They  ning to feel an overwhelming sense of  found  that  Greg  had  celiac  disease,
          temporarily stabilized his behavior, but  hopelessness. Nothing had made sense  severe lactose intolerance and several
          the slightest disturbance would instigate  to me until I opened the 2007 issue of  other food allergies. Theresa addressed
          another episode until the medications  Wise Traditions and read an article about  all of these issues and gave us the cura-
          became the actual disturbance, causing  the connection between zinc and copper  tive recommendations. He now follows
          a whole new breed of violent psychotic  in relation to mental illness. For the  rst  a strict diet of traditional foods, takes
          behavior that we had never seen before.  time in years, something had  nally  a speci c regimen of supplements, and
          He became progressively worse over a  made sense. I immediately picked up  leads a healthy, peaceful lifestyle. He
          period of about four years and the drugs  the phone and called Theresa Vernon,  has regained his con dence and is be-
          were undoubtedly the cause.        whose name had been mentioned in the  ginning to function normally in society,
              Another problem that came about  article. After explaining the situation  working  part-time,  socializing  with
          was Gregory’s reluctance to take the  with my son, she then shared with me  friends and family, and has intentions
          medications. The side effects were so  a similar experience she had had with  of  nishing college.
          unpleasant and debilitating, he would  her son. Then I really began to listen.     Theresa Vernon is an extremely
          hide the pills and dispose of them at  She explained to me what the hair tissue  knowledgeable, professional, and com-
          any given chance. This caused major  analysis would actually reveal.   passionate person. Her meticulous ap-
          withdrawal  symptoms  that  became     Results from Gregory’s hair analy-  proach and adept wisdom truly saved
          worse than the original condition being  sis revealed that he had accumulated  my son. She has made such a signi cant
          treated. The withdrawal symptoms of  toxic levels of heavy metals, including  improvement in the quality of my son’s
          the antipsychotic drugs began to induce  aluminum, mercury and copper. He had  life and I know that she can do the same

                                         THE POETRY AND VISION OF WESTON A. PRICE

                 “We can now visualize our universe, its light, gravity and heat, its seasons, tides and harvests, which prepare a habi-
            tation for the universe of vital forms, microscopic and majestic, which fill the oceans and the forests. We have a common
            denominator for universes within and around each other, our world, our food and our life have potentials so vast that we
            can only observe directions, not goals. We sense human achievements or ignominious race self-destruction. Every creed
            today vaguely seeks a utopia; all have visualized a common controlling force or deity as the most potent force in all human
            affairs. Yes, man’s place is most exalted when he obeys Mother Nature’s laws.”

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