Page 90 - Summer2008
P. 90

A Campaign for Real Milk

                                       COMMITTEE AND THE SENATE SELECT COMMITTEE
                                                       ON FOODBORNE ILLNESS
                                                               April 15, 2008
                                                               By Sally Fallon

                                  Thank you, Senator Florez, for the opportu-  visit to the doctor for any reason and no asthma
                              nity to testify before the joint committees today.  attacks—except for one, a serious attack that
                              My name is Sally Fallon. I am testifying in my  occurred after the boy consumed pasteurized
                              capacity as the president of the Weston A. Price  milk while on a family trip.

                              Foundation, a nonprot nutrition education foun-     The third involves an autistic eight-year-old
                              dation; as the founder of A Campaign for Real  boy who had not spoken a word since the sud-
                              Milk, which advocates the consumption of un-  den onset of autism at the age of two. After two
                              pasteurized whole milk from pasture-fed cows;  months on raw cow’s milk, all autistic behavior
                              and as secretary of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal  disappeared and the child began to babble as a
             A Campaign       Defense Fund, which provides legal defense of  prelude to speech. The only dietary or treatment
           for Real Milk      farms engaged in raw milk production and di-  change was a switch from pasteurized to raw
                              rect farm-to-consumer sales. Most importantly,  milk.
           is a project of    I am testifying here today in my capacity as a     Now please imagine the joy and relief that
          the Weston A.       mother.                                    raw milk has given to the families of these
                     Price         And it is as a mother that I will start with  children—an end to suffering, an end to worry.
             Foundation.      three testimonials typical of those we receive  Family life can be normal and happy again. It
                To obtain     almost every day. One comes from a physician  is testimonials like these that make us so pas-
             some of our      who prescribes raw milk to his patients, often  sionate about having access to raw milk, and

                              with remarkably benecial effects. One dramatic  so concerned about the manner in which access
              informative     case involved a nine-month-old boy who had had  to raw milk has been undermined in the state
               Real Milk      three ear infections in three months. The child  of California with the stealth passage of AB
               brochures,     had received a number of formulas based on  1735, a law that mandates standards so strict
              contact the     processed cow’s milk and soy protein, and the  that commercial production of raw milk will
           Foundation at      mother had even tried pasteurized goat milk.  become impossible. Our experts here today will
                              With each formula the child suffered recurrent  testify to the fact that the 10 coliform limit is not
                     (202)    vomiting, diarrhea, failure to gain weight and  only unnecessary for the safety of raw milk, but
               363-4394.      thrive, and he had been ill with either viral or  would actually make raw milk more vulnerable
          Check out our       bacterial infections almost continuously since  to pathogens.
                 website,     early infancy. After the mother switched to a     Make no mistake, those who worked behind
                    www.      formula based on raw goat milk, however, the  the scenes for the passage of this law, and our op-
                              diarrhea and vomiting ceased and the child be-
                                                                         ponents testifying today, do not want the sickly,
        gan to gain weight. One year later he has normal  asthmatic or autistic child to have access to
           for additional     growth and is perfectly healthy.           Nature’s perfect healing food. Although couched
             information          The second comes from a Weston A. Price  in terms of public safety, AB 1735 has nothing
             and sources      local chapter leader who reported on a two-  to do with safety and everything to do with pro-
            of Real Milk      year-old boy with very serious asthma. After  tecting California’s annual $4.5 billion industrial
                              the mother put the boy on raw cow’s milk the  dairy industry, which has to be propped up with
                products.     child went through the entire winter without a  an average of $1.6 billion in subsidies every year.
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