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of raw milk from young and old, some of which  eating deli meats than from consuming raw   Everything
          you will hear today. Opponents of raw milk are  milk—and this estimate is based on the exagger-
          uniformly condescending towards individual  ated and biased reports mentioned earlier, which   that we have
          testimonials,  dismissing them as  anecdotal.  blame raw milk but do not prove that it caused  learned about
          Yet for the individuals and families involved,  an illness. Here we have yet another example   the health
          these testimonials are                                         of the double standard
          pure  science—objec-                                           applied  to  raw  milk.   benefits,
          tive conclusions drawn                                         Where are the FDA’s  immune
          from before-and-after                                          charges that deli meats   support,
          observation of condi-                                          are “inherently danger-
          tions incumbent on a                                           ous and should not be   probiotic
          single variable, the ad-                                       consumed?” Where is  qualities and
          dition of raw milk to the                                      the FDA’s exhortation   anti-
          diet.                                                          to “everyone charged
              The second docu-                                           with protecting the pub-  pathogenic
          ment presented to the                                          lic health” to prevent  components
          Committee is a Pow- Liz Reitzig (left), Bowie, Maryland chapter leader   the sale of deli meats to   of raw human
          erpoint  presentation  and  president  of  the  Maryland  Independent   consumers?
          prepared by the Weston  Farmers  and  Consumers  Association  (MICFA)     By our calculations,   milk over the
          A.  Price  Foundation,   with Mark McAfee of Organic Pastures Dairy,   pasteurized milk is 1.1  last 40 years
          which  addresses  the   Sally Fallon and Michael Schmidt of Canada at   to 15.3 times more dan-  applies
                               the California Senate hearings in April.

          safety, health benets                                         gerous than raw milk
          and economic considerations of raw milk (posted  on a per-serving basis. Even using government   equally to the

          at This document is fully refer-  statistics that inate the danger of raw milk, it is  raw milk of
          enced and contains all the scientic studies that  easy to calculate that one is over 2000 times more   other species.

          we know about. In it we provide the math for that  likely, on a per-serving basis, to contract illness
          sixty-four-thousand-dollar question—what is the  from other foods than from raw milk. In fact, the
          safety record of raw milk versus pasteurized and  only way to reduce the risk of food borne illness
          versus other foods on a per-serving basis? The  to zero is to stop eating and die of starvation. .
          Centers for Disease Control estimates that on a  . . or to consume raw milk on a regular basis to
          per-serving basis, one is ten times more likely  ensure immunity to pathogens.
          to become ill from Listeria monocytogenes by     Our Powerpoint presentation details the

                                         NEW YORK: THE MEADOWSWEET DAIRY CASE

                The hearing on Meadowsweet Dairy LLC’s petition for a permanent injunction against the New York Department
           of Agriculture and Markets (NYDAM) should be taking place sometime this summer in the Albany County Supreme Court
           [see Wise Traditions, Winter 2007 and Spring 2008 issues for background on this case]. The LLC’s shareholders are asking
           the court to rule that NYDAM has no jurisdiction over the distribution of raw dairy products to the shareholders and that
           the agency should be prohibited from interfering with the LLC’s operations.
                On March 10, Judge Egan of the Albany County Supreme Court stayed a motion by NYDAM to show cause why the
           Smiths should not be held in contempt of court for refusing to unlock the doors of the production facility on their farm
           when the inspectors from the department were executing a warrant to search the Smiths’ premises. Judge Egan, who will
           be hearing the LLC’s suit for the injunction, ruled that he will only consider the show cause motion if he determines at that
           hearing that NYDAM does have jurisdiction over the LLC’s distribution of raw dairy products.
                In response to the Meadowsweet case, legislation has been introduced into both the New York Senate (S06827) and
           Assembly (A10870) that would legalize the sale of raw milk off the farm premises (texts of the bills can be found at www.
  The reason the Smiths had dropped their retail raw milk license was that under it they could
           sell raw milk only on the farm, depriving them of customers who would not travel to their location to pick it up. The bills,
           if passed into the law, would put Meadowsweet Dairy under NYDAM’s jurisdiction regardless of how Judge Egan rules.
           Both bills state that “every person engaged in the production of raw, untreated milk for human consumption shall hold a
           permit issued by the commissioner.”
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