Page 99 - Summer2008
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Healthy Baby Gallery

            Happy, healthy, eight-month-old Lily Golish has a very   Sophia Marie Lemaire McCormick pictured at four
            sunny disposition. Her mom drank raw milk and followed   months, was over nine pounds at birth. Her mother
            a WAPF diet as best as she could through pregnancy and   followed a wise traditions diet, and naturally conceived
            while nursing. Lily surprised her doctor by going from 6   at 42 years old. She consumed raw milk and cod liver
            pounds 9 ounces at birth to 7 pounds 11 ounces in nine   oil during pregnancy and reports that Sophia is a very
            days, a time period in which most babies lose weight,   inquisitive, happy, bright-eyed baby, who nurses well.
            thanks to the high quality of Mom’s breast milk. Lily now                Her first food will be egg yolk!
            eats a little egg yolk, liver, beef stock and cod liver oil but
            mostly still nurses.
                                                                 LEFT: Forced to eat organ meats and take cod liver
                                                                 oil as a child, this former Weston Price baby still loves
                                                                 his mommy!

                                                                     BELOW: Alaina Nancy joined the Schaffer family in
                                                                      September at home. Mom, Rachael (midwife) and
                                                                               family all attended her water birth. The
                                                                      Schaffers enjoy their fresh raw milk every day from
                                                                    the family’s pet goats. They also enjoy their cod liver
                                                                     oil and fresh eggs. Mom makes lots of soups, boiling
                                                                     the bones for marrow broth, which the family loves.
                                                                      They also plant a large garden and freeze, can and
                                                                     ferment food for the winter. All kids enjoyed Mom’s
                                                                                      breast milk the first year of life.

             Keenan Matthew Lindsay, the happy healthy baby of
             Jason Lindsay and Julianne Boyajian, weighed 20 pounds
             at six months! Due to Mom’s low milk supply, Keenan
             has been on the raw milk baby formula since he was four
             and a half weeks old. Mom followed the Weston A. Price
             pregnancy diet consuming liberal amounts of butter, eggs,
             animal protein and fat, and other nutrient-dense foods.
             When Keenan was born all the medical staff were
             absolutely amazed at how alert and strong he was!
            Please submit your baby photos to Liz Pitfield at Be sure to label photographs with the full name of the baby.

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