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These include elevated cholesterol  and homo-  thyroid hormones into the blood stream, all the

          cysteine levels and increased incidence of heart  DYDLODEOH / 7K\UR[LQH  7   DQG DERXW    SHUFHQW
          attacks,  strokes, and peripheral vascular dis-  of the necessary Tri-Iodo-Thyronine or Lio-Thy-

          ease. Other adverse effects include infertility and  ronine (T3). These are manufactured in the gland
          miscarriages; low sex drive; impotence and erec-  from one molecule of the amino acid tyrosine and
          tile dysfunction;        high blood pressure; physical  iodine—four iodine atoms per tyrosine molecule
          and mental fatigue, sluggishness and apathy; lack  LQ WKH FDVH RI 7   DQG WKUHH LRGLQH DWRPV LQ WKH
          of ambition and drive; abnormal weight gain  case of T3.
          and obesity; very dry skin, brittle nails and hair     Several minerals and other nutrients are also
          loss; constipation, often severe, with impaction;  involved, in a supportive way, in the manufacture
          depression and mood swings; anxiety, memory  of these two thyroid hormones, so it pays to opti-
          loss, dementia and “Alzheimer’s”; cold-intol-  mize their blood levels as well. These are iodine,
          erance; insomnia; increased susceptibility to  of course, along with selenium, zinc and mag-
          infections and possibly cancer, especially breast  nesium. Vitamin A is essential for production
          cancer; muscle and joint pains; digestive prob-  of thyroid hormone. Mercury, chlorine/chloride,
          lems; increased allergies and rashes; personality  ÀXRULQH ÀXRULGH  SHUFKORUDWH WR[LFLW\ DQG H[FHVV
          issues; even lack of leadership ability.   copper—and even normal therapeutic levels of
              The biggest losers in this neglectful situation  WKH PLQHUDO OLWKLXP²DUH NQRZQ WR GHFUHDVH 7
          are cardiovascular, infertile, elderly, memory-  and, especially, T3 levels. Therefore, the physi-
          loss, mood-disordered, chronically fatigued,  cian should do a blood test for these levels if there
          insomniac and overweight patients.        is any suspicion that these levels may be elevated
              An indication of the level to which hypo-   VXFK DV PDQ\ VLOYHU ¿OOLQJV RU KLJK GHHS VHD ¿VK
          thyroidism is underdiagnosed and undertreated,  consumption in the case of mercury; or living in
          is revealed by the fact that I have never had to  D KRPH ZLWK FRSSHU SOXPELQJ DQG QR ZDWHU ¿OWUD-
          prescribe a statin drug to normalize anyone’s  tion system in the case of copper). Even certain
          cholesterol, triglyceride or other lipid blood  foods such as soy and cabbage can reduce thyroid
          levels. I am treating them not with another drug,  IXQFWLRQ  ,W VHHPV WKDW JHQHWLFDOO\ PRGL¿HG VR\
          but with what they really need: optimal blood  is especially goitrogenic.
          levels of the thyroid hormone(s) which they are     Only T3 is really active as thyroid hormone,
          lacking!                                  7  EHLQJ D SUH KRUPRQH RU SUR KRUPRQH ZKLFK
                                                    has to be converted, that is, de-iodinated to form
          THE BASICS OF THYROID PHYSIOLOGY       7  the remaining necessary T3 in the tissues and
              The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped  cells before thyroid function can ensue. Brain  Only T3 is
          gland that straddles the front of the windpipe  cells may initially need to receive a good propor-  really active
          and voice-box and that can be palpated (felt)  tion of their supplies of thyroid hormones in the   as thyroid
          has nodules or tumors in it. It secretes two main  the cells of the brain, spinal cord and peripheral  hormone.

                                                    ABOUT THE AUTHOR

               John Dommisse, MD, MBChB (CapeTown), FRCP (Canada) of Tucson, Arizona, is an expert in thyroid disorders, as well
           as in vitamin B  therapy. This article is based on a recent paper published in the “Hypotheses” section of Thyroid Science
           (3(2):H1-14, 2008).  Dr. Dommisse has successfully used the approach outlined in this article in over 5,000 patients since
               Earlier this year, his state medical board revoked his allopathic medical license (which he is appealing) in spite of his
           accomplishments in the field of hypothyroidism diagnosis and treatment. None of his treatments has ever harmed any
           patient and he achieves superior results to that of most physicians.
               Dr. Dommisse has managed to remain in a consulting practice to in-person and out-of-state phone-appointment
           clients by utilizing a novel federal legal structure, based on the First and Fourth Amendments of the Constitution, which
           has consistently been upheld when challenged, for similar usages, in the U.S. Supreme Court. Visit his website at www.
  or contact him at, (520) 577-1940.

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