Page 25 - Summer2009
P. 25


                 The Thyroid Scale Interpretation Matrix can be an extremely useful tool, especially when combined with the
             Metabolic Scorecard  and the Metabolic Temperature Graph  (pages 20-21). For more details, visit www.drrind.
             STATE OF HEALTH     TSH        T4          T3       TEMPERATURE              COMMENTARY
            Healthy          Optimal     Optimal    Optimal     98.6, stable
            Adrenal Fatigue  Low         Low        Low         Low, average is typi-  Symptoms: Predominate in adrenal column. Of-
                                                                cally 97.8 or lower.  ten confused with hypothyroidism because of low
                                                                Very unstable  T4 and T3. Some doctors mistakenly interpret the
                                                                               low TSH here to mean pituitary trouble
            Estrogen         Low         Low        Low         Low, average is typi-  Is the same as adrenal fatigue in that they are
            Dominance (ED)                                      cally 97.8 or lower  related to each other. In adrenal fatigue, the
                                                                and unstable   adrenals often sequester the progesterone to
                                                                               help make cortisol. The drop in progesterone
                                                                               creates the progesterone-estrogen imbalance
                                                                               called ED.

            Hypothyroidism due to  High  Low        Low but to the   Low and very stable  Note there is high conversion of T4 to T3. There is
            low thyroid function as                 right of T4                a high demand for T4/T3 (high TSH) and the body
            a primary cause (such                                              is extracting as much T3 out of the T4 as it can.
            as surgical removal
            of thyroid with insuf-
            ficient replacement
            of T4)
            Hypothyroidism due  Low      Low        Low but to the   Low and very stable  Looks just like primary hypothyroidism but TSH is
            to low pituitary func-                  right of T4                low. We know there is demand because of high
            tion                                                               conversion of T4 to T3 but the TSH doesn’t rise
                                                                               to help T4 production.
            Late Hashimoto’s thy-  Optimal   Low    Low and mild-  Low and unstable  The most common presentation of disease.
            roiditis or hypothryoid  to high        ly to the right            Similar to adrenal fatigue but symptoms are
            and adrenal fatigue                     of T4                      predominantly in the mixed column.
            Early Hashimoto’s   Very low  High      High but to the   Can range from be-  The body can slow down metabolism (step on
            thyroiditis                             left of T4  low 98.6 to slightly  the brakes) by shifting conversion of T4 toward
                                                                above          RT3 and away from T3. Thus we see T3 is to the
                                                                               left of T4.
                                                                Tends to be above
            Graves’ disease  Very low    Very high  Very high and   98.6 and stable in  T3 to the right of T4 (that is, high conversion of T4
                                                    to the right of   the early phase.  to T3) is like a car that’s speeding out of control
                                                    T4          Later, drops below  and the driver steps on the accelerator. This is
                                                                98.6 and becomes  typical for Graves’ disease.
            Poorly effective   Mildly high  High    Optimal and   Low and moderately  Can be due to nutrient deficiency, viral damage
            thyroid hormone                         to the right of   stable   to mitochondria, toxic burden, or poor receptor
                                                    T4                         site (to thyroid hormone) sensitivity.
            Chronic infection  Optimal   Optimal to  Opt imal to   Mildly above 98.6  Source of infection may be elsewhere.
                             to mildly high  mildly high  mildly high

            On thyroid support  Optimal if dose  If the TSH is  If the TSH is   Of ten unst able.  The body seems to do better with a steady state
            that contains T3:  is proper  optimal, the  optimal, the   Tends to be less un-  of energy. T4 acts slowly but T3 is rapid to come
            ‡  'HVLFFDWHG WK\URLG  High if dose is  T4 will b e  T3 is high  stable with Armour  and leave. Therefore, to maintain a steadier blood
              such as Armour thy-  too low  low                 and most unstable  level of T3, it is best taken in divided doses. Split-
              roid                                              with fast release T3  ting the daily dose into 2 or 3 portions stresses
            ‡  7  7  PL[WXUH VXFK  Low if dose is               (Listed in the first  the adrenals less than taking the entire dose
              as Thyrolar    too high                           column in order of  once daily and therefore leads to more stable
            ‡  6ORZ  UHOHDVH  7                                 increasing destabi-  temperatures.
              (compounded)                                      lizing effect on the
            ‡  3XUH IDVW UHOHDVH 7                              temperature pat-
              such as Cytomel                                   tern.)
          SUMMER 2009                                Wise Traditions                                           23
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