Page 22 - Summer2009
P. 22

              Are my metabolic energy problems due to low adrenal or low thyroid function? The Metabolic Scorecard™ provides
          valuable insight as to whether low thyroid and/or adrenal function may be the cause of your signs and symptoms.
              Below is a sampling of items from the Metabolic Scorecard . This will tell you if your condition is predominantly low
          function of thyroid, adrenals, or a mixture of both. Nobody has all the symptoms; however, the more severe the problem
          the greater the number of symptoms will be present. For the full chart with extensive notes, go to http://www.drrind.
           SIGNS & SYMPTOMS             ADRENAL                     MIXED                     THYROID
          Body Type            Mild: Gains weight easily    Gains easily, goes to tum-  Weight gain, generalized or
                               Moderate: Can’t lose weight  my/hips first, very hard to   global, extremely hard to lose
                               Severe: Thin, can’t gain weight  lose

          Eyebrows             Tend to be full              Normal to sparse         Very sparse outer 1/3 to 1/2

          Facial Coloring      Tendency to pallor, especially  Pallor around mouth (more   Ruddy or rosy complexion,
                               around the mouth. In dark skin,  visible with light skin)  including around the mouth
                               it darkens around mouth, fore-
                               head, sides of face

          Pigment Distribution  Vitiligo (white spots or patches)  Milder version of vitiligo   In pure hypothyroidism, vitiligo
                               in late stage. May tan too easily.  and dark patches if dark   and hyperpigmentation are very
                               In dark skin, darker on forehead,  skin               rare
                               sides of face, around mouth and

          Light Sensitivity    ++                           +                        -

          Temperature Pattern  Poor thermoregulation (hot  Fluctuating pattern, usually   Stable, non-fluctuating patterns,
                               when it’s warm, cold when it’s  averaging 97.8 but can be   average can be from low 90s to
                               cool). Tends to low body tem-  lower                  a little below 98.6
                               peratures, 97.8 or lower. Fluctu-
                               ating pattern

          Emotional Reactivity  Hyper-reactive (over)       Moderate                 Hypo-reactive (under)

          Intuitive            ++                           +                        +/-

          Depression           +                            ++                       +++

          Dietary Habits       Often leans towards vegetarian-  Fewer dietary restrictions   Tends to eat everything
                               ism, or avoids certain foods  than pure adrenal type

          Bowel Function       Tendency to be irritable or hy-  Poor/mixed           Tendency to constipation, slow
                               peractive, transit time may be                        transit time and poor mechanical
                               too fast, causing poor digestion                      digestion

          Cravings             Sweets, carbohydrates, salt,  Mixed                   Fats
                               black licorice

          Blood Sugar          Tendency to hypoglycemia.  Can range from mild        Normal to hyperglycemia
                               May need many small meals or  hypoglycemia to hyper-
                               crash                        glycemia

          Blood Type           Most are type A                                       Often type O
         20                                         Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2009
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