Page 19 - Summer2009
P. 19

          appear (physically, emotionally and biochemi-  gies and autoimmune problems.
          cally) seems to be a function of how the thyroid     Most people have a mixture of poor thyroid and poor adrenal function
          and adrenals relate to each other. Low adrenal  rather than purely one or the other, and therefore a mixture of symptoms.
          function can appear like excessively high thyroid  Within my practice I have developed several tools that assist in diagnosing
          function—that is, sufferers of both may be thin  the causative problem and facilitate treatment (see sidebar, page 18). They
          and pale, nervous, have palpitations, and have  provide very useful feedback tools for proper diagnosis and treatment of
          unstable temperatures. By contrast, low thyroid  low metabolic energy.
          function may have symptoms similar to high
          adrenal function—that is, sufferers of both may  TREATMENT FOR LOW METABOLIC ENERGY
          be heavier than normal, have a reddish facial   :KHUH GR ZH VWDUW  ZLWK WKH DGUHQDO RU WKH WK\URLG LQVXI¿FLHQF\" ,I both
          complexion, have stable temperatures and a calm  the thyroid and the adrenals are weak, adrenal repair must precede thyroid
          demeanor.                                 repair (see the Metabolic Scorecard™, page 20, to determine whether
              If poor thyroid function is the only cause  problem is adrenal, thyroid, or both).
          of low metabolic function, we typically see a     If the adrenals are weak, then even normal thyroid activity places an
          reddish complexion, thinning of the outer eye-  excessive burden on them. One may begin to feel “hypoadrenal” (cold-
          brows, easy weight gain, depression, sluggish-  ness, weight loss, dryness, fatigue, insomnia, and anxiety) and then the
          ness, excessive sleep, high blood pressure and a  body innately turns down its own thyroid energy production by increasing
          GHFUHDVHG DELOLW\ WR ¿JKW LQIHFWLRQ  &RQYHUVHO\   production of RT3. Conversely, if the adrenals are strong and the thyroid is
          if poor adrenal function is the only cause of  weak or unable to keep up with the adrenals, one begins to feel “hypothy-
          low metabolic function, we typically see pallor,  URLG´  KHDW LQWROHUDQFH  ZHLJKW JDLQ DQG ÀXLG UHWHQWLRQ  WLUHGQHVV  H[FHVVLYH
          IXOO H\HEURZV  GLI¿FXOW\ JDLQLQJ ZHLJKW  LI WKH  need to sleep and depression). A very common error made by medical
          SUREOHP LV VHYHUH   GLI¿FXOW\ ORVLQJ ZHLJKW  LI  practitioners is to focus entirely on the thyroid and ignore the adrenals.
          the problem is moderate), anxiety, exaggerated  In a weakened adrenal state, prescribing thyroid medication that contains

                                           SYMPTOMS OF LOW METABOLIC ENERGY

                Although many of the symptoms below seem unrelated, they may all stem from the same root problem of low
             metabolic energy.

             GENERAL: Low body temperature. Coldness. Low energy or fatigue. Weight problems (can’t lose or gain it). Slow heal-
             BRAIN: Depression and/or anxiety. Poor memory, focus or concentration. Sleep disorders.

             IMMUNE SYSTEM: Under-reactive or over-reactive; that is, frequent infections (skin, sinus, bladder, bowel and yeast
             problems); allergies; auto-immune disease.

             MUSCULOSKELETAL: Fatigue, fibromyalgia (muscle or joint pains); generalized aches and pains; repetitive use injury
             and carpal tunnel syndrome. Weak connective tissues (ligaments, bones, etc.); headaches.
             SEXUAL: Loss of libido and function; menstrual disorders; infertility.

             VASCULAR: Low blood pressure; high blood pressure; Raynaud’s disease.
             BOWELS: Constipation; gas or bloating; digestive disorders; irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

             NERVOUS SYSTEM: Numbness of hands and/or feet (usually symmetrical); dulling or loss of senses such as vision, taste
             or smell.

             SKIN: Dry; pallor in light skin, darkening or dark patches in dark skin; acne.

             HAIR: Brittle, falling, coarse, dry or oily.

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