Page 15 - Summer2009
P. 15

Caustic Commentary

          place? Several explanations come to mind: trans fats (which  of disease-causing bacteria in air samples from the outside
          inhibit receptors and chemical reactions), lack of fat-soluble  and the inside of the cars. The study was carried out on the
          vitamins (needed for the production of neuropeptides), poor  Delmarva Peninsula, which has one of the highest densities
          diet in general and childhood emotional trauma. While  of broiler chickens per acre in the country (Washington Post,
          research cries out for a truly holistic approach to diabetes.
                                                               PORTENT OF THINGS TO COME?
          CAFFEINE POISONING                                   Two recent agricultural calamities—one with corn and one
          Energy drinks like Red Bull, Monster, Rock Star and SoBE,  with cows—have ominous implications for the future of
          and herbal supplements like guarana, are increasingly popular  the industrial agricultural model. In three South African
          among young people. Increased consumption of these caf-  SURYLQFHV  IDUPHUV SODQWLQJ JHQHWLFDOO\ PRGL¿HG FRUQ KDYH
          feine-containing beverages may explain the rise in emergency  suffered up to eighty percent crop failures. Three varieties
          hospital trips for caffeine poisoning. When people indulge  RI JHQHWLFDOO\ PRGL¿HG FRUQ GLG QRW SROOLQDWH SURSHUO\  $F-
          in caffeine at toxic levels, the amount found in two to three  cording to Monsanto, producer of the corn, the problem was
          cups of coffee or more, they can experience anxiety, head-  just a mistake in the laboratory—hard to believe when three
          aches, dehydration, tremors, heart palpitations and nausea.  different varieties of corn were affected (www.digitaljournal.
          The problem of caffeine overload is particularly harmful to  com/article/270101). In Germany, a mysterious illness caus-
          still-developing teenagers and people with heart conditions.  ing calves to bleed to death has veterinarians stumped. The
          More than half the calls made to poison control centers regard-  two-to-three-week-old calves begin bleeding massively and
          ing caffeine over indulgence were made on behalf of young  are often dead within hours. Theories as to the cause include
          people under the age of nineteen. Regular sodas also contain  vaccinations, radiation from cell towers, decades of inbreed-
          caffeine—a visit to Starbucks, a soft drink, an energy drink,  LQJ DQG JHQHWLFDOO\ PRGL¿HG VR\ LQ WKH IHHG  ZZZ VSLHJHO
          a bar of chocolate can all add up to a life-threatening jolt to  GH LQWHUQDWLRQDO JHUPDQ\                  KWPO   'HVSHUDWH
          the adrenal glands and a trip to the emergency room.  farmers are turning to prayer, but it might be better to just
                                                               turn the cows out on grass. Are these two events harbingers
          COINCIDENCE?                                         of industrial agriculture’s collapse? If so, the renaissance of
          Property owners in Ireland who obtain their water from private  small, pasture-based farms represents more than just a niche
          ZDWHU ZHOOV DUH DW VLJQL¿FDQW ULVN RI LQIHFWLRQ IURP YLUXOHQW E.  for yuppie consumers, but the difference between eating and
          coli O157:H7. Ireland’s Health Protection Surveillance Centre  starving.
          with the bug in 2007. The risk is much greater in rural than
          Ireland is the European country with the greatest increase in
          FRQ¿QHPHQW DJULFXOWXUH LQ UHFHQW \HDUV  &RLQFLGHQFH"       Please note that the mission of the Weston A. Price
                                                                 Foundation is to provide important information about diet
          TAILGATING DANGERS                                     and health to both scientists and the lay public. For this
          Trailing too closely behind trucks taking broiler chickens from   reason, some of the articles in Wise Traditions are neces-
                                                                 sarily technical. It is very important for us to describe the
          factory farms to the slaughterhouse could expose motorists to   science that supports the legitimacy of our dietary prin-
          antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Researchers from the Johns Hop-  ciples. In articles aimed at scientists and practitioners, we
          kins Bloomberg School of Public Health took samples from   provide a summary of the main points and also put the
          FDUV WKDW KDG GULYHQ WZR RU WKUHH OHQJWKV EHKLQG ÀDWEHG WUXFNV   most technical information in sidebars. These articles are
          carrying open crates of conventionally raised caged chickens   balanced by others that provide practical advice to our
          over a distance of seventeen miles and found increased levels   lay readers.

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