Page 20 - Summer2009
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7 DQG RU 7 PD\ SURGXFH OLPLWHG RU WUDQVLHQW ignores the adrenals’ capacity to handle the
improvement. Subsequent increases of the dose thyroid support. It is often followed by a recom-
RIIHU OLWWOH RU QR EHQH¿W DV WKH PHGLFDWLRQ SXVKHV mendation for an anti-anxiety or anti-depressant
the energy machinery into overdrive. Unfortu- drug.
nately, this higher energy level is unsustainable
due to the stress on the adrenals. Eventually the ADRENAL REPAIR BASICS
adrenals become fatigued and the symptoms of In general, stress hurts the adrenals. We
If, however, the adrenals are functioning survival, joy, prosperity, security or stability. It is
well, the thyroid hormones can do their job and anything that forces our system to adapt, such as
the result is good metabolic energy. Another way change of circumstances, temperature extremes,
of looking at this thyroid-adrenal relationship is changes in biochemistry (as in a sudden change
to think of the thyroid as “generating” the energy of supplements, medication or even change of
while the adrenals need to be able to “handle” the diet). Infection, lack of sleep or even lack of love
energy. If the thyroid-generated energy is exces- are stressors. Mold is a common serious stress
sive for the adrenals’ ability to handle it, the body EXW GLI¿FXOW WR DYRLG
Another way will down-regulate the thyroid energy as much The opposite of stress, such as joy, adequate
of looking at as it is capable of doing to accommodate what sleep and rest, comfort, peace, security, stability
the adrenals can safely handle. Sometimes, in an and good nutrition, are examples of factors that
this effort to help the patient feel better, the physician help the adrenals. So the obvious approach is to
thyroid- keeps increasing the thyroid dose or even gives a avoid the stressors and seek out those things that
adrenal 7 7 FRPELQDWLRQ OLNH $UPRXU 7K\URLG RU MXVW help. As far as diet goes, it is important to eat
a T3 support like Cytomel.
relationship The problem with this approach is that it more proteins and good fats (not vegetable oils)
is to think of forces the system to function at a higher energy and to limit carbohydrates, especially sugars.
the thyroid as than the adrenals can handle. Initially the adre- Avoid stimulants and physiologically stressful
nals have enough reserve to handle the higher substances such as caffeine, diet pills, chocolate,
“generating” thyroid energy so the patient feels better. When alcohol and cigarettes. If you have allergies,
the energy the (adrenal) reserves are exhausted (this can avoid the allergens; common allergens are wheat
while the happen within a few days, weeks or months) and dairy. Although this may sound surprising,
the patient can develop fatigue, anxiety, bursts we actually tend to crave foods to which we are
adrenals need of rapid heart beat or the feeling of such bursts allergic.
to be able to (palpitations) or other symptoms of either high Metabolic activity (the chemical processes
“handle” the thyroid function or of low adrenal function (see and changes going on in our body) represent
the Metabolic Scorecard™). This is the “crash a stress. At a level that can be handled by the
energy. and burn” phase of a thyroid treatment that adrenals, this stress is good for us—called eu-
METABOLIC SCORECARD™: A method for looking at symptoms to provide guidance on whether there are adrenal, thyroid,
or a mixture of problems. (See page 20.)
METABOLIC TEMPERATURE GRAPH™: A method for measuring and interpreting daily temperatures to gain insight into
metabolic energy issues associated with both adrenal and thyroid function. (See page 21.)
THYROID SCALE™: A method of evaluating thyroid lab data (TSH, Free T4, and Free T3) relating them to optimal values
as well as to one another. This provides a clearer picture of what is going on as opposed to the old, “Your lab values are
all normal” response. (See page 23.)
ESTROGEN DOMINANCE QUESTIONNAIRE: A method of looking at symptoms to determine whether an estrogen/pro-
gesterone imbalance might be causing metabolic problems. (See
18 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2009