Page 21 - Summer2009
P. 21
stress—and maintains life. If metabolic activity critical to adrenal function. The buffered
is too strong for the adrenals, for example, from powder form of vitamin C is often most easily
excessive thyroid stimulation, then the stress tolerated as part of a drink sipped throughout
is bad for us—called distress—and wears the WKH GD\ ,W LV LPSRUWDQW WR WDNH ELRÀDYRQRLGV
adrenals down. with vitamin C as these help recycle and
Even “good stress,” such as celebration, can sustain the antioxidant activity.
sometimes be excessive for the adrenals. Look $PLQR DFLGV ,QGLYLGXDOV ZLWK ZHDN DGUHQDOV
for opportunities to experience security, joy and often cannot digest meat or proteins into
optimism. Learn to avoid negative emotions such amino acids very well. The adrenals thrive on
as anger and fear (for example, horror movies). amino acids. As with the vitamin C, amino
Increase rest; get as much sleep as possible and acids are best taken as part of a drink sipped
make the timing as regular as possible. Pushing throughout the day.
too hard, excessive work or exercise and any +HDOWK\ IDWV $QLPDO IDW LV WKH EHVW VRXUFH RI
sleep deprivation stresses the adrenals. healthy fat but it must be organic. If dairy or
meat, the animal should, if possible, be grass-
ADRENAL SUPPORT fed. Eggs are also healthy. Free-range hens
Providing the body with proper support in are the best source. Cod liver oil provides
the form of good nutrition is critical to repair. The vitamin A, essential for the production of
minimal nutritional requirements for healthier adrenal and thyroid hormones.
$ KHDOWK\ ZKROH IRRG GLHW WKDW LV RUJDQLF raising low blood pressure and ensuring the Pushing too
contains an adequate amount of protein and body retains water. Plain table salt (sodium hard,
healthy fat (oil is liquid in room temperature chloride) does not contain the same minerals
while fat is solid in room temperature) and and some people feel poorly when using it. excessive
adequate fat-soluble vitamins, while omitting work or
anything you are allergic to, such as wheat, RESTORING THYROID FUNCTION exercise and
GDLU\ RU RWKHU VSHFL¿F IRRGV For mildly poor thyroid function, one can
% FRPSOH[ YLWDPLQV $ YHU\ FRPSOHWH % often get the needed support with supplements any sleep
complex with lots of vitamin B (pantothenic such as L-Tyrosine and iodine (for example, deprivation
acid) may be necessary. Remember that Prolamine Iodine from Standard Process) or a stresses the
fermented foods are rich in B vitamins. thyroid-supporting glandular supplement (for
9LWDPLQ & DQG DQWLR[LGDQWV 9LWDPLQ & LV example, the product called T-100 Thyroid adrenals.
HASHIMOTO’S THYROIDITIS is a common autoimmune condition in which one develops an allergy to one’s own thy-
roid gland. In the early phase, when there is destruction of thyroid gland and spillage of thyroid hormone (T4), there is
a hyperthyroid effect. In an effort to lower the T4 level in the blood, the pituitary gland decreases the amount of TSH it
secretes, producing low TSH values. The hyper-metabolic state that occurs usually stresses the adrenal glands and causes
adrenal fatigue. When enough destruction has occurred and the thyroid gland can make only a small amount of T4, one
goes into a hypothyroid phase. Now one has hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue. Autoimmune antibodies, namely anti-
thyroglobulin antibodies (ATA) and thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO), are almost always present on blood testing. The
body can eventually counter the hyper-metabolic state by reducing the conversion of T4 to T3 (and increasing T4 to RT3
conversion). Thus metabolically, this is like stepping on the brakes in a car that’s going too fast.
GRAVES’ DISEASE is an autoimmune disease in which an antibody is produced that mimics TSH. It signals the thyroid
gland to make T4. As the T4 level rises, the pituitary tries to reduce the T4 level by reducing TSH levels and we get a low
TSH. Typically we find elevation of thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin or TSI. Most labs consider a level of 130 or higher
as evidence of Graves’ disease. In reality, we often see the signs of hyperthyroidism begin to appear in a subtle way at a
level of 90. At 110 the symptoms are easier to see. By the time we get to 130, the symptoms are usually severe. Unlike
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, in Graves’ disease the T4 goes into high conversion to T3. This is like driving a car too fast and
stepping on the accelerator. This condition is extremely stressful to the adrenal glands.
SUMMER 2009 Wise Traditions 19