Page 10 - Summer2009
P. 10


         began taking two to three heaping table-  up to around 90,000 IUs (only from food  healthy and I give all the credit to fresh
         spoons of desiccated liver daily and lots  sources) and will stay there for another  milk and other milk products we made
         of spleen tablets. Almost within days I  month. I’ll retest in a month but based  on the farm.
         changed totally. I thought it was the iron  on the way I feel I’m sure all will be     During the Great Depression we
         so after a month on this we retested and  good.                        gave many of these same products along
         threw in a thyroid test for the heck of it.     I suppose that most people probably  with fresh eggs and produce to friends
         Amazingly my thyroid numbers were  have enough vitamin A stored in their  and family who lived in town. We were
         almost perfect. This was four weeks  liver so that the extra D supplements  all healthy until the point where I and
         after my previous test showing super  never push it to rock bottom. In the  my friends no longer had access to fresh
         high numbers.                      Third World, children don’t lose their  unadulterated products. Lift the ban on
             , VWLOO KDGQ¶W ¿JXUHG RXW WKDW DOO WKLV  sight  until  the  measles  virus  makes  the fresh milk and we will have far fewer
         ZDV GXH WR YLWDPLQ $ GH¿FLHQF\ XQWLO ,  them hit the bottom. Everything I read  strange diseases.
         read Chris Masterjohn’s article about  says that vision problems happen when                  Bill Parrish
         the need for vitamin A to balance vita-  vitamin A is really, really low.                  North Carolina
         min D. Now I suspect both my A and D     Another thought: People following
         were low after my illness. I would have  the Marshall protocol are warned away  RAW MILK AND THE EYES
         slowly built up both in tandem on good  from taking any vitamin D. I wonder     I am just back from Illinois where
         foods, such as butter and cod liver oil.  whether these people are actually ex-  I was unable to get raw milk. It was in-
         But once I got the high vitamin D shot  WUHPHO\ GH¿FLHQW LQ YLWDPLQ $ IURP YLUDO  teresting to observe my body becoming
         it used up the remaining low vitamin A  infections. When they take vitamin D,  full of phlegm, which went away after
         and my eye retina paid dearly.     it further depresses vitamin A.     being back on raw milk.
             Now I’m loading on early spring       Lynn Razaitis, Chapter Leader     I also noticed my vision deteriorat-
         butter,  fermented  cod  liver  oil,  fer-            Atlanta, Georgia  ing. I do not know what the connection
         mented skate oil, liver and medicinal                                  is with raw milk and sharp eyes, but
         herbed  bone  broths.  My  warts  have  Thank you for sharing this fascinating  I stopped wearing reading glasses in
         totally disappeared, sinus problems are  story, which illustrates the danger of  P\ PLG ¿IWLHV  DIWHU VZLWFKLQJ WR UDZ
         going away, brain is working again, and  overdosing on vitamin D without also  milk.
         the retinal problems are gone (which, by  taking vitamin A. According to infor-     I wrote about my grandfather’s farm
         the way, my eye doctor said wouldn’t  mation in the Spring, 2009 journal,  in the Winter, 2007 Wise Traditions ar-
         happen and that I would have to get used  a vitamin D level of 30 should not be  ticle, “The First Cow Share Program.”
         WR WKH ÀDVKLQJ OLJKW               considered particularly low—normal     While  back  in  Illinois  sorting
             Just after the vitamin D shot, when  is in the range of 30-50—so the shot  through boxes of family photos, I was
         I took cod liver oil it gave me joint pain.  of 100,000 IUs vitamin D was not even  repeatedly struck by the difference in
         However, now, with taking a lot of vi-  warranted.                     the ones of my older sister, who was
         tamin A, my osteoarthritis pain is also                                born on the farm and lived there until
         clearing quickly. I think I was not taking  LIFT THE BAN               six months of age, and the other two
         in enough vitamin A and the extra vita-     I  grew  up  on  a  farm  in  North  suburban-raised children. Christina, the
         min D in the cod liver oil, on top of the  Carolina. I and my eleven siblings were  eldest, has a square face, a perfect bite,
         huge dose in the shot, was what caused  healthy and had very few colds or other  and rolls of baby fat. The two younger
         the joint pain.                    health problems because we drank fresh  girls had oval faces and less fat. As we
             I’ve currently pulled my vitamin A  milk every day. I am now eighty-one and  grew up, the eldest was the only one who
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