Page 7 - Summer2009
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          again. This led me into Pete Sisco’s  THE WARRIOR DIET                     In the very same issue of Wise Tra-
          schedule  called  Static  Contraction     As someone who occasionally picks  ditions you thank a reader for “a gentle
          Training (SCT). If you think that Super-  XS D PDLQVWUHDP H[HUFLVH DQG ¿WQHVV  reminder to the rest of us not to take
          Slow is good, you will not believe what  magazine, I am struck by the absolute  our meal planning and food providing
          SCT can do for you.                lack of nutritional knowledge of the so-  too seriously!” In that spirit, I would
              After a couple of months I only need  called experts, who give advice about  encourage you to retract your “thumbs
          to work out once per month. I do not  which fast-food entrée is best for “ripped  down” review and instead start a con-
          waste time doing the mythical aerobic  abs” or “better biceps.”        versation about all the common ground
          conditioning. It takes about one half     As someone who has been trying to  \RX VKDUH  :KDW D EHQH¿W WKDW ZRXOG
          hour to complete my session with a ten-  follow the WAPF diet for several years,  be to both Warrior Diet followers who
          minute warm up plus three exercises.  I have noticed a lack of discussion about  could and should be a part of WAPF
              SCT has considerable advantages  sports and weightlifting as they relate to  and WAPF members who want to learn
          over SuperSlow. There is no full range  those unique dietary needs. Although I  more about functional exercise, intense
          of movement necessary, hence no oppor-  ZDV EULHÀ\ H[SRVHG WR 2UL +RIPHNOHU¶V  training, and what I’ve found to be a
          tunities for injuries. The stronger I get,  The  Warrior  Diet  several  years  ago  YHU\ OLEHUDWLQJ DQG EHQH¿FLDO DSSURDFK
          the less frequently I work out. When I  through his association with one of the  to how and when I eat each day.
          cannot be bothered getting any stronger,  main promoters of kettlebell exercise in            Jason Isaak
          I am told that I can maintain my gains by  the country, it wasn’t until last Novem-      Phoenix, Arizona
          working out every two to three months.  ber that I read the book and his other
          Otherwise, I walk the dog for about  books. I found him and his views very  Many  diet  books  contain  guidelines
          thirty minutes daily. I still scuba dive,  compelling and largely consistent with  that are somewhat in line with WAPF
          snorkel and kayak at times.        the nutritional guidelines of WAPF—not  principles,  but  which  miss  the  most
              In August, 2008 I could leg press  exact, but at least compatible.  important point, namely the need for
          300 kg (660 pounds). Last week I leg     That is why I was disappointed to  liberal quantities of fat-soluble vita-
          SUHVVHG     NJ       SRXQGV   7KLV LV  read the book review of Ori’s book in the  mins (vitamins A, D and K ) in the diet.
          a static hold near full leg extension, not  Winter, 2008 edition of Wise Traditions.  The Warrior Diet is a good example of
          a full range of movement. In August,  While Ori does not agree with every  such a book. Hofmekler recommends
                , FRXOG QRW TXLWH OLIW D    NJ      facet of WAPF philosophy, his book’s  avoiding cod liver oil, puts no stress on
          pounds) bar off the rack. Last week I  recommendations are very compatible  organ meats, and provides recipes that
          lifted 80 kg (176 pounds).         and should not receive a “thumbs down”  are mostly low in fat but high in protein
              The results speak for themselves. I  judgment—in fact, a book review is not  (one recipe calls for sixteen egg whites
          feel stronger. My legs do not fail me at  what was needed.             and three or four yolks!). As we have
          skiing the way they once did. I can now     Instead, I would love to see WAPF  constantly stressed, such a high-protein
          OLIW P\    NJ     SRXQG  ND\DN RQWR  engage  with  someone  like  Ori  in  a  diet is a recipe for burnout and chronic
          the car roof without real effort. These  serious  conversation  about  diet  and  disease, whether the animal foods come
          results would be of no surprise to a SCT  sports. We’ve all seen the reports of  from grass-based farms or not, espe-
          exerciser.                         what Michael Phelps eats—not exactly  cially if followed for too long. Here at
              I will be seventy years old in a few  WAPF-approved. Compare that to Ori’s  WAPF we have an obligation to warn
          months.                            recommendations  of  whole,  organic  our readers about books that seem to
                                 Neil Hilford  foods; raw milk from grassfed cows;  be WAPF-friendly but which ultimately
                                New Zealand  organic, free-range eggs; and fermented  make recommendations that can lead to
                                             foods, to name a few.               a broad range of health problems.

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