Page 5 - Summer2009
P. 5
HEALTHY TWINS their cod liver oil and probiotics every developed for foods that most toddlers
Since the birth of my twin girls, day. Having had cod liver oil since birth, won’t go near. Other people are amazed
Moriah and Tsameret, almost four years I guess they like the taste! They like to by their appetite and their willingness to
ago, I have wanted to let you know how eat raw steak or hamburger, which sure try new foods at least once. I can only
grateful I am for the information pro- makes feeding them easy! They also attribute it to the good advice I received
vided by the Weston A. Price Founda- enjoy sushi. For a long time they ate and followed from your articles. I have
tion. spoonfuls of plain butter, which I make simply introduced them to good food
I started on a WAPF diet as I began myself twice a year in quantity from and stayed away from the junk, which
my journey to conceive almost ten years the rich yellow cream of spring and fall. is the way my husband and I eat, too, of
ago, continued through my pregnancy, They also love to eat chicken skin and course. It really is easy to get toddlers
and I got the girls started on it from to chew on chicken bones and cartilage. to eat right when you do it that way. I
birth. And in their bottles they get homemade see many mothers with young children,
Being an older mother I did even those who consider
not produce enough milk for themselves healthy cooks,
twins and started them on the who struggle with sugar ad-
homemade formula in addition diction and discipline prob-
to breastfeeding. What an in- lems. In fact, I am shocked
credible resource it was to have at how most people feed their
your recipe for infant formula. children, especially since I
I was so relieved not to have to have seen how easy it is to
use commercial formulas (even give a child a healthy, robust
the organic ones are loaded with start in life by simply choos-
rice syrup). It was a pleasant ing the right foods. My girls
ritual to prepare their bottles, fight sometimes and have
twelve at a time, and put them in their melt downs, and ask
the fridge. I was still breastfeed- for candy, but they are well
ing them at age three, in addition behaved, verbally articulate,
to the all the good foods and raw reasonable and good natured.
milk that we can find and/or I credit their diet to a large
grow ourselves. extent because I am by no
Thanks to your advice, means the perfect parent.
the first solid foods my girls One more thing: we
had were warm egg yolks with went to a dentist recently for
grated raw organic chicken livers. They chicken stock as often as they get raw WKHLU ¿UVW FKHFNXS DQG WKH\ DUH FDYLW\
loved it and still like to eat chunks of milk. free! Apparently, this is rare these days.
frozen raw liver as a snack! They also enjoy lacto-fermented I was sure they would have no caries, but
One of my girls loves her soft boiled egg foods, beet kvass, dried sardines, QHHGHG WR FRQ¿UP LW 7KH\ ZHUH VR FXWH
(especially the yolk) and will often eat FDQQHG ¿VK DQG YHJHWDEOHV :KHQ WKH\ sitting on my lap, opening their little
two in the morning. The other is more were teething, they gnawed on broccoli mouths wide for the dentist, feeling so
of a yogurt girl. They both love their stems. grown up.
oatmeal with plenty of butter and raw I am just amazed by the robust, Lucia Ruedenberg-Wright
milk on top. They also willingly take earthy, and mature taste my girls have New York, New York
SUMMER 2009 Wise Traditions 3