Page 6 - Summer2009
P. 6


         THE GOODNESS IN                    clean the blood! So when we receive     An important study done in the
         RAW SPRING MILK                    this wonderful spring milk, we might  Swiss Alps (Collomb et al. 2001; 2002a)
             As an herbalist and lover of weeds,  FRQVLGHU LWV QDWXUDO PHGLFLQDO EHQH¿W  showed that the more diversity of plants,
         I have great respect for plants. Nature  and thank our farmers for providing us  herbs  and  grasses  available  for  the
         provides  mankind  with  uncountable  with the most incredible goodness on  animals, the higher the nutrition in the
         wild plants for our enjoyment and heal-  the face of this earth.       milk products. . . and yes, Switzerland
         ing. Many of these uncultivated edibles     Animals seem to be much wiser  has onion grass!
         grow right in our own back yards and are  than humans, and we can only learn   Judith Mudrak, Chapter Leader
         highly medicinal in various strengths  from them. So the next time one consid-    Southampton, New Jersey
         and properties.                    ers returning milk to the farmer because
             The farmer has these same plants in  we don’t like the “interesting” spring  Judith leads a tour of WAPF members
         KLV ¿HOGV  ZKHUH KLV DQLPDOV HQMR\ WKRVH  ÀDYRU  ZH PLJKW FRQVLGHU WKH JRRGQHVV  to study traditional dairy products and
         highly nutritious grasses and weeds in-  nature wants to provide for us.   other foods in Switzerland each sum-
         stinctively. Among these weeds is one     Through many travels in Switzer-  mer.
         called onion grass, which is in the allium  land, I’ve spoken with numerous elderly
         family. One may wonder why it is even  individuals about raw milk. Most of  STATIC CONTRACTION
         WKHUH  6RPH SHRSOH FDQ GHWHFW LWV ÀDYRU  them refer to the war time, when there  TRAINING
         in the milk if the cow gets into a patch  were great shortages of food. They’ve     I feel compelled to tell my story
         of it. Have we ever thought about why  all told me that every liter of milk was  after reading about SuperSlow  Weight
         such a “nasty” wild edible                                                          Training in Dr. Cowan’s
         might be there, available for                                                       article in the Fall, 2008
         animals to get a hold of and                                                        issue  of  Wise  Tradi-
         eat, which “ruins” the taste                                                        tions. In 2000 I had a
         of the milk?                                                                        motorcycle injury with
             Consider the fact that                                                          pelvic fractures, which
         the constituents of allium                                                          laid me up for about a
         are natural antibiotics. Per-                                                       year. I must have devel-
         haps the cow needs to eat                                                           oped a “disuse osteope-
         this in the spring in order                                                         nia” which was not re-
         to clean her gut after a long                                                       vealed until June, 2006
         winter without fresh grass.                                                         when I sustained a hip
         Can  nature  really  make                                                           fracture  when  skiing
         mistakes?                                                                           on ice, and which was
             Every spring, I eagerly                                                         followed eventually by
         wait  for  the  new  spring                                                         a DexaScan revealing
         weeds  to  return  and  I’m                                                         the osteopenia. This got
         WKDQNIXO ZKHQ WKH\ ¿QDOO\                                                           me on the road to tradi-
         emerge from the ground. It seems to  treasured and used anytime of the year  tional foods and increasing knowledge
         me that if allium can clean the guts of  including  spring.  Nothing  was  ever  about minerals and vitamin D, amongst
         an animal, it can also clean our own  thrown out, except the low fat milk,  other things.
         through the animal’s milk. I add bushels  which was used to fatten and feed the     Eventually I resumed my gentle
         of it to our wild spring salad mix, to help  animals.                  weight training, getting into SuperSlow
         4                                          Wise Traditions                               SUMMER 2009
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