Page 9 - Summer2009
P. 9
UK, and runs some very prominent and I live in southern Germany and the ZKLOH WR ¿JXUH RXW ZKDW KDSSHQHG WR
frightening TV ads. Here is some info lowfat craze is big around here. What I me I was extremely nervous about doing
on their campaign ( read on your web site about the corrupt too much of any supplement so lowered
news/pressreleases/2009/feb/launchsat- food and medical system is all the same everything including cod liver oil.
fatcampaign). The other day a journalist here: supermarkets selling a lot of junk; My endocrinologist gave me the
very encouragingly wrote something in people afraid to eat butter and eggs; wise advice of waiting it out and by
the Telegraph about refusing to give up vegetable oils everywhere; HFCS in all August I was back to feeling good again
cream and butter. I think it is time that a IUXLW DQG ÀDYRUHG \RJKXUWV SXGGLQJV and my thyroid numbers were evening
few more voices were heard! I hope that and ice creams in the supermarket. Now out. I had a general blood test and found
WAPF members in the UK will write they even put vegetable oil into the ice out that my vitamin D was at a level
to the papers and inform them that the creams instead of real cream. People buy currently considered low, around 30. I
anti-saturated fat campaign is not based the stuff anyway. probably also had low vitamin A from
on science, but is driven by the agenda The government has gotten rid of the extreme viral infection during the
of the vegetable oil industry. most of the small farms by now; they summer. I got a shot of 100,000 IUs
Sharon Maas couldn’t make a living anymore. There of vitamin D and lowered my intake
Eastbourne, UK are a few left, but they are struggling. of vitamin A from cod liver oil. That’s
The organic farms are doing somewhat when all hell broke loose!
COCONUT OIL FORBIDDEN better. But the EU is subsidizing the My thyroid numbers went hyper
I am currently living in the Canary big factory farms and the little ones are again, this time manifesting in hypo-
Islands. A health food shop employee squeezed out. Raw milk is available if thyroidism. My retina began to detach
tells me that food grade coconut and you get it directly from the farm. The ZLWK SHULSKHUDO ÀDVKLQJ OLJKWV DQG ÀRDW-
palm oils are forbidden everywhere by farmer has to tell people by law to cook ers (this had begun towards the end of
the Spanish government because they it before using it. my summer illness and had been going
are considered “bad for the heart.” Elvira Uschold away), and I developed multiple small
At the same time, soy products Trevesen, Germany warts under my breasts where the bra
DUH ÀRXULVKLQJ OLNH QHYHU EHIRUH LQ WKH rubs and on my back—both of these are
so- called “health shops,” and cigarettes THE RIGHT RATIO VLJQV RI YLWDPLQ $ GH¿FLHQF\
are way cheaper here than on the conti- Thank you for all your informa- My arthritic ankle got so bad I
nent! tion on cod liver oil, vitamins A, D and ERXJKW D ZDONLQJ VWLFN DQG ¿JXUHG P\
What kind of world do we live in? the importance of the right ratio of A long put-off ankle fusion surgery was
I don’t know whether I should laugh or to D. I want to relate what happened around the corner. I gained about 20
cry about it! with me when my A to D ratio became pounds fast and my ability to handle
Laurent Langlais dismantled. stress plummeted. Long extinct sinus
Canary Islands Last summer, after a period of job problems returned with constant con-
stress and an over-busy life, I got re- gestion at night.
A MESSAGE FROM GERMANY ally sick with a viral throat infection 1R RQH KDG DQ\ DQVZHUV DQG , ¿J-
For two years now my family and I that went into my thyroid gland. My ured my thyroid was damaged from the
have been living according to the WAPF thyroid hormones shot sky high with viral infection although my endocrinolo-
guidelines and it has made all the differ- all the signs of extreme hyperthyroid- gist said he’d never seen that happen.
ence in health for us. I’ve read the book ism. I was in bed using a beta blocker About two months ago I decided to
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration for most of June but by mid-July I was try to pull my low ferritin [iron-storage
and it has been a revelation. recovering quickly. Because it took a protein] up to see if that would help, and
SUMMER 2009 Wise Traditions 7