Page 8 - Summer2009
P. 8
WAPF AND THE and roe are also highly regarded. SHARK LIVER OIL
FITNESS COMMUNITY In the photo under the fish is a , FRPH IURP D ¿VKLQJ YLOODJH RQ
, DP D ¿WQHVV SHUVRQ VR DP DOZD\V stuffed stomach, to the right of that is the coast of Peru. I remember working
ORRNLQJ DW VLWHV IRU ¿WQHVV SURJUDPV an unstuffed stomach, then a male roe with my grandfather when I was young.
Well, I think WAPF’s message is getting or milt, and underneath are two female He was a small man but very strong and
LQWR WKH ¿WQHVV LQGXVWU\ 2QH WUDLQHU roe sacks and the liver. All of that can healthy.
Mike Geary, has a nutritional program be stuffed into one stomach. I haven’t ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR ¿VKLQJ KH KDG D VPDOO
where he uses coconut oil, grass-fed been able to eat them like that but put business selling shark liver oil to Eng-
beef, pasture-fed chickens and eggs, and HYHU\WKLQJ DOO LQ WKH ¿VK VWRFN DQG XVH land. The liver of a shark is enormous!
raw milk. He quotes Dr. Mary Enig and LW IRU ¿VK VDXFH He would hang it up for several days, and
has links to Smoked kahawai is fantastic as is then take it down and bake it. The oil ran
I thought this was awe- out and he then bottled it
some. He seems to be a voice and sent it to England.
of reason in an industry that Like my grandfather,
needs one. we took that shark liver
Joy Eriksen oil every day before the
Novato, California noon meal. We also ate
As noted above, without the understood gave fertil-
fat-soluble activators, the ity. The rest of our diet
nutrients in grass-fed animal was seafood, with the
products largely go to waste. addition of some pota-
Physical activity uses up vita- toes and rice which were
min A, so athletes and those imported into the vil-
in training really do need to lage—we grew nothing
eat organ meats and take cod WKHUH ZH RQO\ ¿VKHG 0\
liver oil. grandfather lived to age
one hundred eighteen!
TRASH, OR SACRED FOOD? raw kahawai and every other way of Pablo Cabalo
7KLV LV D SLFWXUH RI D NDKDZDL ¿VK cooking it, but it must be fresh! Down Alexandria, Virginia
which the mainstream pakeha (Euro- here over the past one hundred years
SHDQ FXOWXUH KHUH UHJDUG DV WUDVK ¿VK it has been bottled to eat the following ANTI-SATURATED FAT
and the government sells by the ton to \HDU 7KH ¿VK LV SXW LQWR MDUV DQG LQWR D CAMPAIGN
Australia for one dollar per kilo for cat ODUJH SRW RU EDWKWXE ZLWK D ¿UH XQGHU- A few years ago, my son and I had
food. QHDWK DQG WKHQ ERLOHG IRU ¿YH KRXUV , started a coconut oil company in the
But the Maori regarded the kahawai don’t know whether cooking that long UK but we were practically hounded out
DV VDFUHG ¿VK LQ WKH VXPPHU PRQWKV affects the quality, but it still tastes very of business by the UK Food Standards
when the kahawai are fat, they are the good! Agency (FSA), which did not like our
PRVW KLJKO\ UHJDUGHG RI DOO ¿VK 7KH\ Kay Baxter concept and refused us any permission
are prepared by removing all the organs, Opotiki, New Zealand to say that coconut oil was healthy.
then, with the exception of the gall blad- Now the FSA has launched an
GHU VWXI¿QJ WKHP EDFN LQVLGH 7KH PLOW anti-saturated-fats campaign in the
6 Wise Traditions SUMMER 2009