Page 11 - Summer2009
P. 11
did not need orthodontia. This is a small addition, his digestive system (previous wellness exam for his insurance recent-
survey, but interesting. gas problems) also is greatly improved. ly. He called me afterwards, chuckling.
I appreciated the article on cook- The addition of raw milk in his diet is He said, “You’ve never seen a nutritional
ware. Incidentally, the correct word the only change so it is obvious the raw consultant’s eyes bug out like that.”
for a spoon-fork combination tool is milk is responsible for his improved His numbers were fantastic. Choles-
runcible spoon, coined by Edward Lear health. terol was 201, triglycerides were too low
in his famous poem, “The Owl and the Vicki Wilson to read, and blood pressure and sugar
Pussycat.” Whitsett, North Carolina were excellent. Following the exam
Neysa Garrett he met with a nutritional consultant
Berkeley, California VEGETABLE OIL IN CHAD to discuss the results. She looked over
7KH -DQXDU\ LVVXH RI WKH his and happily asked how he stayed in
RAW MILK FOR RASH New Yorker had an article about hard- such great shape. He proceeded to tell
I sell organic raw milk from grass- ship in Chad, with a photograph of her how he eats bacon and eggs cooked
fed, free-range Jersey cows to several shanty structures made with cardboard in lard for breakfast, steak a few times
women in my area. I had a new customer boxes. Printed on the cardboard boxes a week, butter and raw whole milk.
a few weeks ago started getting milk ZDV WKH IROORZLQJ ³86$ 5H¿QHG 9HJ- Dinner the night before was lamb steak
from me. Then one week she did not get HWDEOH 2LO 9LWDPLQ )RUWL¿HG ´ with the fat. Needless to say, she was in
milk and her daughter developed a rash I was so struck by this. Not that I shock. Of course, they were promoting
around her mouth. This mother could hold the vegetable oil industry directly lowfat, no-meat diets, and here was my
QRW ¿JXUH RXW ZKDW ZDV JRLQJ RQ ZLWK responsible for the crisis in Chad, Sudan husband, doing everything contrary and
her child. or elsewhere, but the enormous implica- \HW KDG ZKDW ZH ¿JXUH ZHUH VRPH RI WKH
Then she got some milk from me tions of this agribusiness machine, of a best numbers in his group.
again and the rash went away. What she world food supply gone mad, so devoid To her credit, she told him to keep
discovered was that when she fed her of meaning. . . it just hit me right in my doing what he’s doing. While we had
child store bought milk, she developed heart. no fear of his results, we were thrilled
a rash and when she fed her raw milk It seems that we have forgotten to see how good they were.
the rash went away. So this is proof that the value of human beings, forgotten Misty Sorchevich
real milk really is the best! the value of precious real food, and of Cameron Arnold
Julie Rosen, Chapter Leader the joy and beauty of eating real food. Knox, Indiana
Selby, South Dakota Our society does not connect this with
the suffering that ensues for so many
OBVIOUSLY RAW MILK and on so many levels when our fellow
My daughter has been purchasing humans are deprived of that basic right
raw milk for the past year from a small to eat wholesome food. All because of
local dairy farmer. My ten-year-old WKH LQMXVWLFH RI SUR¿WV WDNLQJ SUHFHGHQFH
grandson has suffered from a large over people.
range of allergies and slight asthma. Karen Phillips, RN, PHN
This bothers him most in the winter and Monte Rio, California Gifts and bequests to the
he has always stayed on Clariton. Since Weston A. Price Foundation
drinking raw milk he has been allergy- CHUCKLING will help ensure the gift of good health
free, and medication-free as well. In My husband, age thirty-eight, had a to future generations.
SUMMER 2009 Wise Traditions 9